Why are we now having erratic and unpredictable rains?


Since last 15 years, I have observed a trend in the rains. The rains when they arrive they are massive, then a huge gap, again they arrive and are massive. It was not so in earlier…

Need details on sewage treatment plants for industries


Is it mandatory for Industries to install a sewage treatment plant? There is no residing unit in this industry and it operates on a single shift.

Need information on electrolysis for reducing TDS & removing coliform


How effective is the electrolysis technology in removing the coliform from water & reducing the TDS & hardness of the water.

The borewell water in our complex has

Need help for water management of apartment complex


We are looking for companies that can study the water management of apartment complex and suggest roadmap for managing, metering and sourcing good quality water 

Need daily rainfall data


Thanks a lot for the work you are doing. I came across daily rainfall data for Rajasthan. It would be great if similar data for Maharashtra is made available. 

Need information on government schemes and related subsidy for dug wells & borewells in Rajasthan


I need information on government schemes and related subsidy for dug wells & borewells in agricultural land in Ajmer district of Rajasthan.

Need solution for TDS issue


I am residing near Bhuj-Kutch. The bore water in my agriculture farm tastes slightly saline. The TDS…

Contact of Mr Anupam Mishra


Request if you can share the email/phone number of Mr. Anupam Mishra. I am planning to have a talk by guest speakers at IDFC for my employees. I look after the knowledge managememt…

Need solution to address the interrupted supply of water from borewell


We have dug a new bore well and got water at just 100 feet with a 1.5" yield till 400 ft, Beyond this depth the water level increased and eveyone said it is a 3" yeild. But when we…

Need suggestion to rectify the problem of sudden stoppage of water from borewell


In the year 2006 we dug a borewell in our farm. It took 70feets of casing pipe. Initial water came at 175 ft and at 225 ft the water level was good. We stoped drilling at 295 feet as the…

Community level mitigation methods and alternative livelihood options in waterlogged areas

Posted by

G. Prasad Babu, UNDP, New Delhi


A project is being implemented with local partners and aims to enhance community’s…

Definition of minimum quality standards for bulk water supply sought

Posted by

Urvashi Prasad, Michael and Susan Dell Foundation


One of the challenges is defining and adhering to a well-defined quality…

Can an effective 'Behaviour Change Communication' programme generate demand for toilets under the NBA – Advice sought

Posted by

Priya Desai, Arghyam, Bangalore


Arghyam is embarking on a project with a state government on Behaviour Change Communication…

Issues & concerns to ensure inclusion & equity in WASH programmes

Posted by

Aidan Cronin, UNICEF India Country Office, New Delhi


The issues and concerns of the socially marginalized and women in…

Information on risk management practices followed for nanotechnology based water filters

Posted by

Kriti Nagrath, Development Alternatives, New Delhi


While Nanotechnology has a lot of benefits due to the higher efficiency…

Innovative solutions for emergency sanitation in different countries – A questionnaire

Posted by

Maarten Feberwee, Aldus Building Innovation, The Netherlands


A simple survey based questionnaire that focusses on three key…

Comments invited on the 3 draft bills - Draft Water Framework Bill, Draft Policy Guidelines for Water Sharing & Draft River Basin Management Bill

Posted by

Gyaneshwar Singh, Lucknow

Input required

The Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India (http://wrmin.nic.in/) has recently…

Suggestions to help improve the current water and sanitation monitoring processes

Posted by

Aidan Cronin, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), New Delhi


Monitoring of water, sanitation and hygiene service…

Good practices in supportive supervision to promote efficient, effective and equitable health care

Posted by

Geeta Sharma, UNICEF, New Delhi


Though there are many examples and case studies where supportive supervision has been used…

Rainwater harvesting can help reduce water footprint & increase water security

Posted by

Ramesh Jalan, UNDP, New Delhi


Statistics say that each of us drinks from 2 to 4 litres of water every day. However most of…
