Need suggestion to rectify the problem of sudden stoppage of water from borewell


In the year 2006 we dug a borewell in our farm. It took 70feets of casing pipe. Initial water came at 175 ft and at 225 ft the water level was good. We stoped drilling at 295 feet as the drillers told the pressure was not allowing to drill further.

We did not insert a pump for almost 6 months.  We then arranged a 6hp motor and a 12stage pump and inserted 7length of 20feet pipe but we didn't get water. Later we went upto 12 length and got water. Initially the water was less but after 2 months of there was a drastic change in the water pressure. Even 3inch pipe was not enough. Our old pipeline was destryed by this pressure and we have done it new with 4inch pvc.

Every thing was fine till last month. Our neighbour got a new borewell just 50 meters away from ours, dug just 100 feet below ours. Our borewell stoped yielding water in a single day.

I request you to kindly give suggestions to resolve this issue.
