Innovative solutions for emergency sanitation in different countries – A questionnaire

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Maarten Feberwee, Aldus Building Innovation, The Netherlands


A simple survey based questionnaire that focusses on three key sanitation elements:

  • Elevated toilets (kits)
  • De-sludging equipment
  • Sludge disposal and treatment facilities

Input required

A request to members of Water, Disaster Management and Climate and Disaster Risk Reduction Communities to provide their inputs for the following:

  • What types of sanitation units (technologies) are being used during emergencies (e.g. raised latrine, trench latrine, pit latrine, etc.)?
  • What type of de-sludging equipments can be used for sanitation during emergencies (e.g. manual buckets/spades, hand pumps, mechanical pump, etc.)?
  • What is being used for safe transportation, disposal and treatment of sludge (e.g. designated communal sites/landfills, treatment plant, designated uncontrolled sites, etc.)?

Please see attachment below for the received responses.

This discussion has been reposted here from Solution Exchange Water Community India.
