Information on risk management practices followed for nanotechnology based water filters

Posted by

Kriti Nagrath, Development Alternatives, New Delhi


While Nanotechnology has a lot of benefits due to the higher efficiency and limited amount of material use (and therefore, less waste), the jury is still out on the risk aspects. This is an attempt to try and understand how best we can manage and mitigate this risk.

Input required

We request members of the Water Community to share any available information on the following:

  • Are there specific standards governing nanomaterial use at national and international levels?
  • What are the safe handling practices for nanomaterial in production and use - both at the laboratory scale and the industry?
  • What disposal mechanisms can be implemented for nanomaterial components especially for water filters?
  • What should a good labelling scheme entail ?

Please see attachment below for the received responses.

This discussion has been reposted here from Solution Exchange Water Community India.
