Issues & concerns to ensure inclusion & equity in WASH programmes

Posted by

Aidan Cronin, UNICEF India Country Office, New Delhi


The issues and concerns of the socially marginalized and women in particular are important in WASH. A conscious effort is thus needed to recognize and include their differentiated needs and perspectives in planning and execution of programmes.

Input required

A request to the members of the Water Community and the Gender Community to kindly provide inputs on the following:

  • Please share with us any structured approaches developed by you or any other organization known to you for ensuring inclusion and equity in WASH programmes
  • What are the essential phases that have been identified under such an approach / framework?
  • Please also suggest the phase-wise timeline if any, and phase-wise breakup of resources. In addition, what are the essential quality checks to be kept in mind at each phase?
  • What are the emerging indicators that can facilitate effective monitoring of inclusion and equity in WASH?
  • In continuation of the above, what could be best practices that you are aware of in the India water and sanitation sector that can illustrate a structured and consistent approach to gender and equity outcomes?

Please see attachment below for the received responses.

This discussion has been reposted here from Solution Exchange Water Community India.
