Can an effective 'Behaviour Change Communication' programme generate demand for toilets under the NBA – Advice sought

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Priya Desai, Arghyam, Bangalore


Arghyam is embarking on a project with a state government on Behaviour Change Communication (BCC), within the framework of the Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA).

The project aims to pilot a BCC campaign in one district, utilising the state’s funds under the NBA for Information, Education & Communication (IEC). Based on the learning from this pilot, Arghyam will provide a toolkit to the state government to scale up the campaign in other districts.

Input required

A request to SE-Water members to please share the following:

  • Any research or experiences in India distinguishing supply-side issues and behaviour issues for sanitation and the relative role of these in the bigger picture? How much of the sanitation problem is supply, and how much of it is demand in India?
  • Is there any literature or experience that shows that behaviour change is an inherent part of the sanitation problem, regardless of whether or not the supply chain is efficient and adaptable to diverse sanitation needs?

Please see attachment below for the received responses.

This discussion has been reposted here from Solution Exchange Water Community India.
