Good practices in supportive supervision to promote efficient, effective and equitable health care

Posted by

Geeta Sharma, UNICEF, New Delhi


Though there are many examples and case studies where supportive supervision has been used to improve health worker performance and immunization coverage, long-term and sustainable, results need to be  thoroughly documented and a broad roadmap developed towards implementation of these in the health sector

Input required

You are requested to give your inputs on the following –

  • Good practices on using supportive supervision in different sectors like health, drinking water and sanitation, education.
  • Experiences of scaling and sustaining/embedding supportive supervision in the existing institutional mechanisms.
  • What were the challenges related to operationalizing effective supportive supervision mechanisms for staff/workers?
  • What effective steps were taken to address the challenges?

Please see attachment below for the received responses.

This discussion has been reposted here from Solution Exchange Water Community India.
