Best practices on flood resilience from Indian and global cities
A basket of solutions that Indian cities can choose based on their need and priority
East Kolkata Wetland (Image: Dibyendu Ash; Wikimedia Commons)
Safe drinking water in rural India: What do numbers hide?
While drinking water coverage in rural India has improved, has it also improved reliability and safety of drinking water? This CEEW brief explores and analyses the available data to find out.
Adequate and safe drinking water, a valuable resource in rural India (Image Source: McKay Savage via Wikimedia Commons)
River Sharavathi - under siege from microplastics
A study finds that microplastic pollution in the river Sharavathi originating in the Western Ghats is growing. Urgent efforts to protect this biodiversity hotspot are needed.
The pristine river Sharavathi (Image Source: Ashwin Kumar via Wikimedia Commons)
Water Quality Management Course - Not just a training program
In this article, we will understand how the WQM course is continuing to influence the needs of learners that come from diverse backgrounds. The course model also offers core insights to many others who would like to engage in a virtual training program.
During a WQM course, a field team member from INREM facilitating a demonstration
Healthy soil critical to human health and for achieving SDGs
Soil research must focus both on technology development and implementation
The ability of soils to support soil functions or services is decreasing (Image: Katrin Park/International Food Policy Research Institute)
Mobilising communities for WASH
WaterAid India’s partnership with USAID and Gap Inc. benefits 2400 villages across 7 districts of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra

WaterAid has focused on establishing community-led water quality monitoring & surveillance (Image: Anil Gulati/India Water Portal Flickr)
Why farmers are not adopting crop insurance in India?
Study looks at behavioral biases in crop insurance adoption
Adoption rate of crop insurance low in India despite government efforts (Image: PxHere, CC0 Public Domain)
Assessing the health of river Ganga
How are dams affecting the river Ganga? What are phytoplankton and how can they help assess health of rivers? What is the connection between dams, barrages, river flows and phytoplankton growth? Read this recent study to know more.
The polluted Ganges (Image Source: Lane Rasberry via Wikimedia Commons)
The water that you eat
Need to shift to a more sustainable diet without compromising on major nutrients and calories
Historically, India has been a net exporter of virtual water (Image: PxHere)
Small scale inland open water fisheries of India
What is the status of inland fisheries in India? Read these situational analysis reports to know about inland fisheries, the life of the fisherfolk, governance and tenure in inland fisheries and threats to the sustainability of inland fisheries.
Fishing in an irrigation canal in Kerala (Image Source: Martin Pilkinton via Wikimedia Commons)
A successful model of integrated farming system in Koraput
Integrated rice–fish-poultry farming system is a sound strategy for harmonizing joint management of various resources
Mangaraj's farm is a model for the region (Image: Tripati Khura)
COP-27: Act now
In 2022, almost every country in the world has been affected by natural disasters
The the poor and developing countries are more affected by these climate change induced natural disasters than the rich and developed ones(Image: MaxPixel)
Categorising watersheds for freshwater ecosystem conservation in India
These maps at the watershed scales have been made to not only ensure inclusion of different freshwater ecosystems, their connectivity and hydrological processes, but can also provide a spatial context for conservation decisions.
A stream at Anini, Arunachal Pradesh (Image Source: Roshni Arora)
The Cauvery - dammed and fractured
Inspite of the realisation that minimum flows are essential for rivers to maintain their health and biodiversity, water released from various dams in India continues to disregard minimum environmental flow requirements.
Cauvery river at Hogenakal, Karnataka. (Source: IWP Flickr Photos via Claire Arni and Oriole Henri)
Improving community resilience in ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction in India
Adoption of hybrid solutions - grey and green structures appropriate for resilience building
Healthy wetland ecosystems help in reducing disaster risks and managing climate risks (Image: Pxhere)
Addressing climate change impact on horticultural production in central India
This study shows that while the area and production of horticultural crops in Madhya Pradesh has grown in the last decade the state is susceptible to climate change which may affect crop production in the future negatively
A farm in Madhya Pradesh during monsoon (Image Source: Rajarshi Mitra/Wikimedia Commons)