Need suggestions on Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR)


I am pursuing my Masters in Environmental engineering. I want to work on Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) For my project work. Please suggest ideas on what improvements can be done to…

Need details on rainwater harvesting measures taken in Pune city


I want data on rainwater harvesting measures taken in Kothrud area of Pune city. Can anyone help me?
Thanks & Best Wishes
Mrs N G Gogate

Need IS standards for activated carbon used in water treatment


I am looking for detailed IS guidelines on usage of activated carbon in Activated Carbon Filters (ACF) used in Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP) and Reverse Osmosis (RO) Plants.


Need contacts to set right a collapsed borewell


I need contact details of people who can help in fixing our borewell issue. Please help

What is the permissible TDS in water that is to be used for drinking purposes for infants?


I am Praveen from Chennai (11km from coastal region) I have a 2 month old baby.

The TDS level of borewater was 1250ppm, so we deployed a RO plant for my apartment of 108 houses…

Is it advisable to pump borewell water into the sump first and then to OHT to avoid tiny particle deposition?


Presently I am having a borewell and I am pumping the water from it to the over head tank (OHT) directly. Off late I am feeling that tiny particles are getting deposited in the…

Need contacts of topographic surveyor and operator's training modules in West Bengal


As part of an NGO I am working on a water access project in West Bengal and would need information on the following:

- Contact details of a topographic surveyor in the region of…

What are the licences required to put a mineral water plant in TamilNadu?


Please let me know the licenses that I need to take to start a mineral water plant in Tamil Nadu.


What is the minimum sewage required to run a MBBR based STP?


Please inform what is the minimum amount of sewage required to operate a 200 KLD MBBR based STP successfully .

What is the amount of Sodium Hypochlorite solution to be mixed with raw water to achieve a chlorination of 0.2ppm?


We live in an apartment complex with 2 blocks. Each block has two sump tanks into which the water from borewells at our premises, Bangalore water supply water, external tanker water…

Need to know the procedures to set up a mineral water plant in Thanjavur Dist., Tamil Nadu


I wish to start a small mineral water plant in Thiruvaiyaru, Thanjavur District. I need the experts' guidance on the procedure, requirements etc.

1. What are the permissions/…

Need guidance to start a mineral water plant


I want to start a mineral water plant in Darbhanga, Bihar. Please guide me on this. My contact number is 9939913113 

How to re-drill a bore in the basement with a height of 10-12 ft?


We had a borwell in our apartment which is  roughly 400 feet deep. Sometime back there was some problem with the borewell motor and it was taken out for repair work. While doing so…

Why does the motor generate a lot of noise and not pump water properly?


Our tube well has started giving problem for the last 2 months. The problem is that the motor yield water for the first five minutes. Later it starts making a lot of noise there is no…

Isnt the type of dissolved solids that a RO removes important than just reducing the TDS content?


The whole discussion is about reduction of total dissolved solid, devoid of which type of solid is being removed .eg:- If we assume that an RO system is reducing a TDS level of 600 to…

Can control blasting technique be used to remove a stuck pump from a borewell?


Our boreell in our farm is 500 feet deep. The submersible motor is at a depth of 300ft. We wanted to replace the cable wire which had worn out. While removing, a…

What is the minimum capacity of sewage (%age wise) required to run a MBBR 24x7?


For a 1800 capacity sports stadium,  a 200 KLD STP, based on MBBR technology has been recommended. However, since that many number of spectators will be far between and only 3-5…

What will happen if I use input water with TDS 250ppm in RO+UV home water filters?


I am planning to buy a water filter for residence.

We have 2 sources of water supply. Municipal water supply is with TDS less than 250ppm.  Another source, groundwater is…

Details of equipment for recycling used water in residences


In our locality there is no supply of municipal water and we buy water from private vendors. It is very important for us to use recycled water.…
