Recommendations of Working Group meeting - Planning and implementation issues related to Rain Water Harvesting(RWH)
Issues related to planning and implementation largely concerned with water quality, budgeting and equity.
Recommendations of Working Group meeting on policy issues- Water harvesting issues
Identification of the main issues in water harvesting and its recommendations
Storm water management and artificial recharge - A talk by Dr.S.K.Jain
An interesting talk on 'Storm water management, artificial recharge and improvement in ground water regime'
Case presentation by Bharat Sharma on water crisis and nationwide water harvesting initiative
A case for a larger perspective on the water crisis and for a Nationwide Water Harvesting Initiative
India threatened by flood-drought syndrome, says Mr M.Gopalakrishnan
A talk on policy support issues in basin management that compares small scale water harvesting sytems with large dams , citing how each one of them stand as an answer in different situations
Images and facts of the ground water situation in India
Groundwater situation in the country discussed along with the variation & changes encountered
Construction of a deep tube well for agricultural purpose - A case study from Vridhachalam (Tamil Nadu)
A presentation that provides information on how to construct a deep tube well for agricultural purposes in Tamilnadu
Ground Water Exploration - An Introduction
A presentation that gives a detailed explanation of the methods and techniques of ground water exploration.
Sanitation during wars and emergencies
Hygiene and sanitation conditions during wars and emergencies
Challenges in integrated management of water resoures - Field report from Mulbagal, Karnataka
A "state of affairs" report by Vishwanath S in Mulbagal town near Bangalore
30 great water related resources :Blogs and sites
A list of resources (blogs and sites) reporting about issues related to water
Technological options and mechanisms for water harvesting, storage and conservation - WHSC 2009
Description of the conference -2009 Water – Harvesting, Storage and Conservation Conference (WHSC)
Accessing safe drinking water during floods in North Bihar - Case study from the work of Megh Pyne Abhiyan
A case study documenting Megh Pyne Abhiyan's work in organising access to safe drinking water for rural communities during the 2006 and 2007 floods in North Bihar
Rapid geohydrological appraisal of Purainee and Orlaha villages,Bihar - Drinking water management and alternative sources
A report that gives a good understanding of local conditions as well generates a lot of useful data, that can help in planning groundwater management interventions in a village.
Impressions of a flood affected village in Dharwad district
A visual take on a village in the aftermath of floods