Recommendations of Working Group meeting on policy issues- Water harvesting issues

Working Group Meetings formed by a panel of experts in the respective field, formed a significant aspect of WHSC Conference. The conference is geared towards effecting a change in the way water resources are governed and managed. Towards this, the working group meeting's recommendations were valuable, and awaited.


The group on Policy Issues identified the main issues in Water Harvesting as:

  1. Regulatory requirements for rainwater harvesting
  2. Policy initiatives for rainwater harvesting in different states - Rural vs. Urban scenario
  3. Development of surface water bodies vis-à-vis groundwater recharge
  4. Water pollution – standards for disposal, reuse, recycle, recharge, harvesting and storage
  5. Water consumption for various uses – quality and quantity aspects
  6. Water conflicts


The recommendations put forth, are:

  1. Decentralized process of water management to be taken up with respect to drinking water
  2. Discourse on using Stormed Water from paved and unpaved areas for recharging
  3. Need an understanding of Aquifer dynamics / Characteristics for Urban and Rural areas separately
  4. Not entire area can be taken up for recharge – Site based recharge needed
  5. Uttar Pradesh has guidelines on recharge – condition specific Institutional mechanism for implementation of Policy / Guidelines
  6. Regulatory Mechanisms - Regulatory bodies to work properly
  7. Regional Plans for planning and Micro Plans for implementation
  8. Conjunctive use of Surface and Ground Water use
  9. State of Maharashtra has initiated Community Based aquifer based Water Management – Technical Know how
  10. Capacity building of the communities knowledge related to overall Water Management
  11. Decentralized the City
  12. Aquifer dynamics
  13. Water Quality Monitoring
  14. Citizens Education on water issues
  15. No of labs for Water Testing – Increase no of labs at district and taluk, block level
  16. RGNDWQSM to be made functional at District, taluk, block and panchayat level
  17. Development & Conservation & Rejuvenation of natural water bodies- ponds, tals, wetlands
  18. Institutional assistance to scientific approval of recharge structures/systems/schemes
  19. Development of IS codes
  20. Defining ground water recharge protection areas on the lines of reserved forests
Post By: praveena