Speakers and presentations at the IWMI : Bharat Sharma speaks on the use of GIS for estimating basin level water productivity
An amalgamation of the presentations and discussions at the IWMI on water productivity
Curious case of Ganga Action Plan
An in depth analysis on the Ganga Action Plan
Water Evaluation And Planning(WEAP) in the Indus and Ganges basin
An evaluation on the water evaluation and planning in the Indus and Gangetic basin
Mission of the Basin Focal Projects(BFP)- A workshop
A write up on the workshop on the context and mission of the Basin Focal Projects under the CPWF program
Need for a comprehensive water database says Dr Anil Singh of ICAR
Details on the workshop on 'Tackling Food and Water crisis in South Asia- Insights from the Indus Ganges basin'
Findings of Basin Focal Project on the Indo-Gangetic basin
An article on the river Ganges that seems to be dying due to the glacier being endangered by human impact
"Dying Tigers, hidden numbers" : SVARAJ Newsletter, October 2009 ,SPLASH
An introduction on the content in the newsletter of SVARAJ
IWMI International workshop on Indus-Gangetic Basin project
Proceedings of the international workshop on Indus Gangetic basin project
Depleting ground water scenario of Udumalpet taluk, Tiruppur, TN
Depleting Ground Water Scenario of Udumalpet Taluk(2009) is a paper by TS Badrinarayanan, a geoscientist with B Square Geo-tech services.
"Wayside Chapel" or "Water Closet" ? - A funny story
A story about the "WC" as meant by a British woman intending to travel to India, and as understood by her probable Indian host.
Speakers and presentations of WHSC 2009 day 3 : Ashok Jaitly talks about the policy issues on water conservation
WHSC 2009- Discussions and presentations by various speakers on water policy, rainwater harvesting techniques and Sulabh experience in sanitation
Recommendations of the Working Group meeting on technological issues related to groundwater - Day 2
The Working Group Meeting setup for the day, arrived at its list of technological issues to be addressed, and their recommendations
Case presentation on what works in Rain Water Harvesting ( RWH)
Cases presented by speakers from their regions of work, in the field of rainwater harvesting
Isotope fingerprinting of Ganga Basin groundwater : A presentation by Prof P.S.Dutta of IARI
A talk on Isotope fingerprinting of Ganga Basin groundwater to protect it from vulnerability to depletion and pollution with gripping scientific findings
Decision tree based approach to water : A presentation by Durjoy Chakraborty
A decision tree based approach for water projectcs
Traditional techniques of water management - Interesting cases presented by Farhad Contractor & Rajendra Singh
A discussion on water harvesting and conservation, traditional water management systems that have existed over centuries, in India.