Speakers and presentations WHSC 2009 day 1 : Ramaswamy Iyer delivers the keynote address


The speaker line up for the opening day of the conference has some of the most respected names in the water sector, in India. I have put together resource pages for each of the speaker's profiles and the subject of their talk.


Ramaswamy Iyer

Ramaswamy Iyer
Honorary Professor and Former Secretary,
Ministry of Water Resources
Government of India

Keynote Address

His book Water: perspectives, issues, concerns be read on google books here



M Gopalakrishnan
Secretary General
International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage

Country policy support in basin planning - Some case studies in India undertaken by ICID; Presentation download (pdf, 1.6 mb)


Bharat Sharma

Bharat R Sharma
Senior Agri-Water Management Specialist & Head
International Water Management Institute

Managing risk and low productivity of rain fed agriculture through nationwide water harvesting initiative in India; Presentation download (pdf,1 mb)


S Mukherjee

Saumitra Mukherjee  
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi

Geological information system in rainwater harvesting.


S Dhande

Prof. Sanjay Govind Dhande 
Director IITK 
Prof. of Mechanical Engineering and 
Computer Science & Engineering

Welcome Address


V Tare 

Vinod Tare

Professor, IITK 

Conference Chairman



Isha Prasad Bhagwat

Country Head
On Policy


S K Jain
Central Ground Water Board

 Storm water management, artificial recharge and improvement in ground water regime;
Presentation download (pdf,6.7mb)

Paritosh Tyagi
Former Chairman
Central Pollution Control Board

Rain water harvesting: Methodologies and risks; Presenatation
download (pdf,24 kb)

S K Sharma
Ground Water Expert

Presentation download (pdf, 1.3 mb) 

Post By: praveena