13th annual birding fair at Jaipur's Man Sagar
A bird fair that will be devoted to 'Rivers’ Restoration' to enable decision makers realize how important the role of rivers has been in human civilization
Indian women farmers in Bihar and UP coping with climate change
As men are increasingly migrating to towns , women are left to struggle against erratic weather patterns, rising temperatures and decreasing groundwater levels to support their families.
Compilation of news- November 2009 (3-4,8,11)
A compilation of weekly news update - November 2009
Using GIS mapping for Urban Flood Management in Chennai
Information on the Flood Risk Mapping Study, funded by the Water Resources wing of the Public Works Department, an initiative of the Tamil Nadu State Government
ASHWAS - A people's survey of water and sanitation in Karnataka (2009)
A report that includes the findings of the ASHWAS survey- a peoples' survey where the surveyors were selected from the respective communities.
Water harvesting, storage and conservation (WHSC - 2009) - IIT Kanpur
Details of the upcoming WHSC 2009, organised by IIT Kanpur
Microfinance for water: How will it work?
An analysis on how micro finance could change the landscape of water based problems that the Indian towns and villages face, at the level of access and distribution.
Shodh Yatra in Orissa and UP : Lessons in understanding the communities in different geographies and environment
“Shodh Yatra”- The walk to find knowledge that Prof. Anil Gupta along with several other free willing participants undertake, twice a year.
Bad hydrology and water resources interventions
The Dublin Principles outline the importance of several critical aspects, to be considered while implementing action programs.
Termite mounds as hydrologic indicators - Case studies from three taluks of Coimbatore district - Tamil Nadu
This paper describes termite mounds as useful indicators for groundwater exploration
History of climate change talks, the UNFCC & COP-15
How we have come to COP-15- in a nutshell
Harvest of water - Watershed programs in Maharashtra make the most of the little rains received
Long at the mercy of the monsoons, some Indian farmers are sculpting hillsides to capture runoff, enriching their land and lives.
IUWM and participatory development:Community participation has a significant impact on the sustainability of the 3E's
A case study of Thangammalpuram village in coastal Tamil Nadu in resource management and community development.
Arsenic contamination in ground water of Bihar and its mitigation strategy
An analysis on the arsenic contamination problem in Bihar and the mitigation strategy to be followed
Groundwater Quality Scenario in Karnataka State - District-wise reports (single file) (2004)
Individual district-wise profile files that contain district and taluk level information across various study parameters, and analysis of the data through district level GIS maps
Groundwater quality scenario in Karnataka state - Introduction and overview (2004)
Two documents that provide information and details on the groundwater quality scenario in Karnataka.
Visakhapatnam shows the way in reducing carbon dioxide emission - Has 100% CFL coverage
Vizag shows the way in reducing carbon dioxide emission-First district in the country to have 100 p.c. coverage of CFL