30 great water related resources :Blogs and sites

Water flow

Over the past couple of years, the world’s water crisis has led to an unprecedented amount of conversations and discussions on various issues of policy, planning and management of water resources! Academicians, students, scientists … and many more people who are either affected by it or are working in the field are trawling the web, trying to know more about it!
I have very often been in that group of people, sometimes preparing for my presentations, at times seeking more information to work on a project, and now as a practitioner, I try to keep myself update with the events and discussions going on around the world, in water. 

Along with my friend Abby of Water for the Ages, I have put together this list of resources (blogs and sites) reporting about issues related to water. At India Water Portal, we have constantly tried to be a part of these conversations and contribute our efforts in bringing out credible information much like these amazing set of people and their posts!

Margaret Mead must have experienced this enormous force herself when she said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”

  1. Circle of Blue
  2. Aquanomic
  3. Akvo
  4. Blogging on Water 
  5. Blue Living Ideas
  6. Chance of Rain
  7. Chronicles of the Hydraulic Brotherhood
  8. City Brights: Water by Numbers
  9. Cr!key Creek
  10. Food and Water Watch Blog
  11. Harvesting Rainwater
  12. Hydrologic
  13. International Water Law Project
  14. Notes on waste, water, whatever (Elizabeth Royte)
  15. The Activists Online
  16. Thirsty In Suburbia
  17. Turn to Tap
  18. WASH Blog Collection
  19. Water and Poop
  20. Water Crunch
  21. Water for the Ages
  22. Water Matters @ Columbia
  23. Water SISWEB
  24. Water Wired (Aquadoc)
  25. Water Words That Work
  26. WaterBlogged.info
  27. The Water Institute
  28. The Water Law
  29. The California Water News Blog
  30. Reddit Water Section 
Post By: praveena