Technological options and mechanisms for water harvesting, storage and conservation - WHSC 2009

Policy – Technology – Planning – Implementation has seldom been one straight highway in developmental issues like infrastructure, poverty, education or water! An all-encompassing approach to address these issues requires effective conversations. In case of water, the world hasn’t seen any coherent and well aligned approach to address this deepening crisis, in virtually every part of the world!


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The 2009 Water – Harvesting, Storage and Conservation Conference (WHSC) at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur is a forum for discussion of important innovations, approaches and recent advances in water resources management. Its primary role is to foster coordination amongst various stake holders and bring together experts (scientists, technologists, policy makers, implementers, and the society at large) on the subject to share their insights and experience.

The objectives of the conference are:
• To assess the significance of water harvesting, storage and conservation to meet
   international water stipulate.

• To assess challenges related to water harvesting, storage and conservation technologies.

• To engage stakeholder in issue‐oriented discussion as to share experience and agree on a
   common plan of action

Highlights of the conference will include a high quality technical program, invited speakers, poster presentations and workshops. The three day conference is expected to pave way for producing compendium of technological options, policy guidelines and implementing mechanisms for water harvesting, storage and conservation.


As the online partner, India Water Portal (IWP) will post live updates and feeds from the conference. Since we see IWP as a hub of information for the water sector in India, we follow all the conversations about water happening around the country. For WHSC 2009, Tushar Gupta and I would cover the keynote presentations and the panel discussions at IIT Kanpur.


Conference Theme                Program (pdf)          



Sanitation Technologies(pdf)

Pollution Abatement in Ganga Basin: Bioremediation Potential and Challenges(pdf)




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Post By: praveena