Video, Audio and other Multimedia

India s groundwater challenges and the way forward
The groundwater crisis is acquiring alarming proportions in many parts of the country. Strategies to respond to groundwater overuse and deteriorating water quality must be based on a new approach involving typologising the resource problems and redefining the institutional structure governing groundwater. Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 11:42 PM

India’s Groundwater Challenge and the Way Forward
P S Vijay Shankar , Himanshu Kulkarni , Sunderrajan Krishnan

The groundwater crisis is acquiring alarming proportions in many parts of the country. Strategies to respond to groundwater overuse and deteriorating water quality must be based on a new approach involving typologising the resource problems and redefining the institutional structure governing groundwater. This approach is based on the notion of groundwater as common property.

Linear turbine developed in New Zealand - Trials, drawings, videos
Visual documentation of the design and implementation of the Linear turbine Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 11:17 PM

Mark 1 model ready for launch 1984

Mark 1 model ready for launch 1984
Trials in Pai river northern Thailand 1986

Documentary on mining - "Niyamgiri, You are Still Alive"
Mining on Niyamgiri will destroy its rich biodiversity and wildlife. Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 02:31 PM

In 2006 Sterlite, a subsidiary of UK mining company Vedanta built a refinery in Niyamgiri Hills, Orissa, India. The intention was to mine bauxite from the Niyamgiri Hills, which is in reserved forest. It is also home to indigenous communities who are dependent on it for their livelihood.

Films on Watershed Development and Dairying by Samaj Pragati Sahayog
Samaj Pragati Sahayog has recently completed production of two films, which are now available for purchase. Posted on 06 Jan, 2011 05:42 PM

For the last 2 decades Samaj Pragati Sahayog (SPS) has implemented watershed management projects in an attempt to integrate regeneration of natural resources with livelihood security of the poor

SPS has recently completed production of two films, which are now available for purchase.

From policy to practice - Koshi river basin management
This pictoral document explains the effort to translate policy into practice by showcasing Koshi River Basin Management Program as a model for conservation and wise use of water and its resources to secure life and livelihoods of generations to come by addressing the impacts of climate change. Posted on 19 Dec, 2010 10:43 PM

This document titled “From Policy to Practice” is a process documentation of Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS) and World Wildlife Fund’s (WWF) joint initiative for the first field piloting of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) approach as prioritized by the National Water Plan 2005 in Koshi River Basin, Nepal.

This pictoral document explains the effort to translate policy into practice by showcasing Koshi River Basin Management Program as a model for conservation and wise use of water and its resources to secure life and livelihoods of generations to come by addressing the impacts of climate change.

An introduction to sanitation technologies - Video from Water for People
What is the difference between a VIP and an improved pit latrine? What is the actual technology that supports Ecological Sanitation - Short videos to answer these. Posted on 13 Dec, 2010 12:44 PM

We often get asked about toilets— what is the difference between a VIP and an improved pit latrine? What is the actual technology that supports Ecological Sanitation? Good questions, and so we are introducing short videos on different types of toilets.

Fluorosis water contamination in rural India - A video by Earth Report
In 15 of India's 26 states, bone deformity has become increasingly common. Flourosis. Contamination of drinking water with high levels of flourosis is the cause Posted on 26 Nov, 2010 12:08 PM

Video Courtesy: EarthReport

Source:  5min Media

It has been proved that it's a direct result of drinking ground water that's contaminated with high levels of fluoride. This video suggests that rainwater is the best source of water for communities living in these regions.

Field experiences by Avinash Krishnamurthy, BIOME Solutions
Drawing inspiration from the oldest "people's electricity" systems Posted on 29 Sep, 2010 11:04 AM

One of the oldest "People's electricity" systems I have ever seen (Please read the notes for each of the videos).  Of course this trip had even better high points - wine made from Gooseberry and Nutmeg - all locally brewed.  So travelling in the midst of hills, sipping local wine, seeing some great work, (and providing perspectives for someone-else to write - is this work or what?

The indigenous struggle- A look at three South American films on water rights
A film festival on water, 'Voices from the Water' Posted on 31 Aug, 2010 02:51 PM

This past weekend was the only international film festival on water, worldwide—Voices from the Water, held in Bangalore in several different locations. Working for a water NGO, I made my schedule free to catch up on some of these movies, to understand what the current issues are and what the film circle is capturing through their lens that we don’t necessarily see from our biased eyes.

Movie reviews from 'Voices from the Waters 2010' film festival held in Bangalore
Reviews from the 5th edition of the Voices from the Waters, the international film festival on water held in Bangalore from August 27th to 30th, 2010
Posted on 28 Aug, 2010 08:58 AM

Voices from the Water 2010

Reviews of some of the movies screened -

“Be water, My friend”

This UNESCO funded film, “Be water, My friend” tracks the research of Professor Gordon Lightgoot, an expert on ancient water monuments as he tries to understand and rectify the alarming drying up of Karez’s in northern Iragi region of Kurdistan.
