Video, Audio and other Multimedia

Let Pinder river flow free - Thousands gather in people's public hearing and vow to oppose the dam
"There is no place like our Pinder valley. What is Rs. 10- 20 lakhs to us? Have you ever thought about the lakhs worth of salt and grains that you have eaten from this land? Posted on 15 Apr, 2011 05:16 PM

 I pray to all my friends, brothers and sisters to not join the company in turning this valley into a monstrosity!” These are the powerful words by Narmada Devi from Village Padmallah that marked the flavor of a peoples' public hearing on the Devsari HEP.

This public hearing on the 3 April 2011 saw strength of 2000 people from all proposed Devsari HEP affected and surrounding villages of the Pinder valley. The hearing was organized by Bhu Swami Sangharsh Samiti and Matu Jan Sangathan and took place at the Sangam Maidan of Block Deval, Tehsil Tharali, District Chomoli, Uttarakhand. Public hearing at Deval was a peoples' response to the project proponent hearing at Chepdu on 20 January 2011.



Death of a river - On the Yamuna in Delhi - Article from Kafila
The Final scene in the epic tragedy of the Jamna is being enacted at these very moments. Posted on 15 Apr, 2011 08:52 AM

This was first presented as a paper in a seminar on “The River” organised by the Max Muller Bhawan on 11 and 12 December 2010. Photo credits: Gigi Mon Scaria, Himanshu Joshi and Sohail Hashmi.

River Mandovi cries for help - Video report from WAVE
Sanghmitra Mainkar, who's from the heavily mined area of Bicholim in Goa, reports how miners dump waste into the beautiful river Mandovi. Posted on 14 Apr, 2011 10:53 AM

Article and Video Courtesy: WAVE India



Mines in Goa deplete water supply - A film from India Unheard Video Volunteers
Goa is mostly known for being a top tourist destination, but away from the coast mining is the major industry, and it is severely impacting local water. Posted on 14 Apr, 2011 10:35 AM



Status of MGNREGA in Chattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh
A series of audio updates from CGNet Swara, over March-April 2011 Posted on 13 Apr, 2011 02:15 PM

Article courtesy: CGNet Swara

NREGA: No payment for a year, complaints do not work
Rasatulla Khan, state president of Samajwadi party in Chattisgarh, is talking about a village in Baloda bazar block where laborers have not got their NREGA wages for more than a year now.

NREGA: Gram Panchayat does not take any application for work
Ramdas Dhurve from Narsinghpur district in Madhya Pradesh, says that in their area Sarpach and Sachiv in Gram Panchayat do not accept any application for work under NREGA.

5 years on: Mohla dam (Chattisgarh) evictees still struggling for compensation - Audio update from CGNet Swara
Bhan Sahu from Rajnandgaon in Chattisgarh says it is 5 years since Mohla dam was built but evicted people are still running from pillar to post for their compensation. Posted on 12 Apr, 2011 06:57 PM

Click here to read the entire article

NREGA poster boy in Chattisgarh struggling for late payment compensation - Audio update from CGNet Swara
Pitbasu Bhoi should be a poster boy for National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) for working all the 100 days under the program. Posted on 12 Apr, 2011 06:49 PM

 But as you may recall as it was reported before on this forum that his son died in need of attention when he was still struggling to get his wages.

Click here to read the entire article

Water and justice - Peri-urban pathways in Delhi - A video from STEPS Centre on Water Channel TV
This film tells the story of three people and their relationship with water in the towns and villages on the peri-urban zone of New Delhi, India, that has changed dramatically in the past 15 years. Posted on 12 Apr, 2011 06:02 PM

Article and Video Courtesy: The Water Channel

This film tells the story of three people and their relationship with water in the towns and villages on the edge of Delhi, India. The landscape of these "peri-urban" zones has changed dramatically in the past 15 years. Poor people often do not have good enough access to water, and have to find different ways of getting and using it. 

Purushottam Patel's biogas-driven irrigation pump - A video case study
Purushottam Patel's biogas-driven irrigation pump Posted on 12 Apr, 2011 12:04 PM



Tonnes of fish die in Kelo river, Chattisgarh due to toxic industrial waste - Update from CGNetSwara
Savita Rath from Raigarh says when people went to take bath this morning in Kelo River they found many dead fish. Posted on 29 Mar, 2011 03:48 PM

After exploration she found that more than 3 ton fish have died in Kelo River in last one week.

Click here to read the entire article
