Video, Audio and other Multimedia

Earthen dams - a mulitmedia course
This multimedia course provides information about earthen dams, its principle, types and parameters used for its construction through combination of animation and film footage Posted on 11 May, 2009 01:22 PM

Earthen dams are a very common and cost-effective watershed intervention. This multimedia course gives an understanding of the principles of earthen dams, the types of earthen dams and the parameters to be considered in their construction. It goes into the detail of the steps to be followed in constructing these dams.

Watershed development - a multi-media course by Samaj Pragati Sahyog
The course covers the principles of watershed development, the different kind of watershed interventions and explains why sustainable and equitable use of water is as important as water harvesting Posted on 11 May, 2009 12:04 PM

This course is part of a multimedia course series developed by Arghyam for the India Water Portal in collaboration with IT and domain experts.

Kosi Katha - The making of a famine': Video highlighting the growing famine in the wake of the floods in Bihar
This video from Janmadhyam highlights the plight of those regions badly hit by the recent floods in Bihar where the ugly threat of famine is looming large Posted on 14 Apr, 2009 04:05 AM

The latest loss figures (24 Feb. 09 is five districts, 35 blocks, 33.29 lakh peopla, 9.97 lakh live stock., affected area 3.68 lakh hectares, 2.37 lakh houses, 527 human death a and 19,323 loss of cattle.

Rooftop rainwater harvesting in Gujarat by Utthan
Rooftop rainwater harvesting in Gujarat by Utthan Posted on 08 Apr, 2009 01:16 PM

I was in Bhavnagar - Saurashtra, Gujarat and came across rooftop rainwater harvesting works implemented by (one more than 10 years ago) by Utthan with financial assistance from WASMO, along the same lines as what SACHETANA is attempting . These have strongly withstood the test of time and ALL of the rooftop rainwater tanks I saw (more than 120) were functioning and people were using this water exclusively for drinking and cooking. Here is a proof of concept idea which has withstood the test of time and which is ripe to be taken to areas of high fluoride and arsenic as one possible solution. Even in Gujarat this has unfortunately not happened in the fluoride affected areas at a scale which would benefit people.

Ecosan in Gujarat: Initiatives & users
A member of the PLC Watsan group Dhani behn, has built an Ecosan toilet for herself - one of the first in Gujarat-about a year back. Posted on 07 Apr, 2009 11:14 AM

A member of the PLC Watsan group Dhani behn, has built an Ecosan toilet for herself - one of the first in Gujarat-about a year back. This is one of the best toilets on Ecosan I have seen and the simple and elegant story of the same is hugely impressive. It is located in Bhavnagar Saurashtra - Gujarat. She was part of an exposure visit of PLC WatSan to a MYRADA project in Karnataka implementing ecosan. She has one simple reason for use of the toilet- it's less use of water. Even with a twin pit pour flush about 5 litres of water gets used for a single flush and in a day 20 to 25 litres of water can get flushed by one person. Even this is too much in arid and semi arid Gujarat. The transfer of knowledge has resulted in an elegant solution to an otherwise vexing issue that can be made applicable on a larger scale across the state. There exists tremendous interest in Eco-san from other parts of Gujarat too including the coast with its high and saline water table and the tribal hamlets with its hard rock terrain and the rest with a lot of water shortage.

Ecosan solutions for flood hit Bihar
Ecosan solutions for flood hit Bihar Posted on 31 Mar, 2009 12:03 PM

"Megh Pyne Abhiyan" is a network of NGOS that has been working in flood affected areas in Bihar with Arghyam support for the past few years. MPA has been grappling with the idea of providing clean water and sanitation in Bihar.

Using YouTube effectively - A citizen-activist's movie highlighting the problem of an abandoned pond in Gurgaon
A excellently taken YouTube movie that highlights the problem of an abandoned talaab in water-starved Gurgaon in New Delhi.
Posted on 19 Mar, 2009 09:08 AM

"Understanding Groundwater" - A film by ACWADAM on groundwater study in Pune
"Understanding Groundwater" is a short film introducing groundwater created by ACWADAM. Posted on 18 Mar, 2009 06:09 AM

Audio files: Bihar floods - The survival story
Anshu Gupta, the man behind Goonj - an NGO - visits flood hit Bihar and faces the different aspects of this historical disaster. Here is a narration of his experiences and evaluations Posted on 17 Dec, 2008 07:44 PM

Following is the summary of an interview of Anshu after he along with his team did their part in the rehabilitation processes. The summary narrates Anshu's experiences and evaluations on Bihar flood.

Learning from "The Geotagger"?
Learning from "The Geotagger"? Posted on 14 Dec, 2008 11:53 AM

Mark Charmer from Akvo writes about his meeting with C. Sharada Prasad (aka "CSP"), one of the team at India Water Portal.
