Video, Audio and other Multimedia

"Water Please" - A film made by children on today's water crisis from Chinh's early web education channel
Click the image to view the entire video Posted on 29 Mar, 2011 03:10 PM

Water Please - A film made by children on today's water crisis from Chinh's early web education channel

Click the above image to view the entire video

Harvest of Grief: A film by Rasil Basu and Ekatra Production that explores the severe agricultural crisis in Punjab
The north Indian state of Punjab was once a land of plenty, considered the breadbasket of the nation. Posted on 22 Mar, 2011 02:48 PM



Narmada: Land at last - Video Volunteers
113 tribal families are rehabilitated after 30 years of struggle against the dam project in Chirodh. Posted on 22 Mar, 2011 11:55 AM

Article and Video Courtesy: Video Volunteers


A video by Centre of Excellence for Change on the occasion of World Water Day
On the occasion of the World Water Day 2011, it gives me pleasure to attach a Video presentation made by fellow water officials of Tamil Nadu as an IEC tool. Posted on 22 Mar, 2011 11:11 AM


Please share it with Water Sector friends and communities in our Journey to change the way we handle our Water.



Tippy Tap - A device to promote hand washing with soap - Watershed Management Group
This video demonstrates the working of the Tippy Tap, a low cost, low tech, low water, hands-free device to promote hand washing with soap. Posted on 09 Mar, 2011 08:57 PM



Emerging policies, creating new commons - A policy forum
Videos from the panel discussion organised by KICS at the IASC Conference, Hyderabad Posted on 04 Mar, 2011 02:54 PM

The panel discussion was held to further the idea of commons by extending the idea of autonomy in some of the discussions on commons to the Indian idea of Swaraj or Self-Rule.

Discussions in the panel drew the existing ideas of resource sharing, establishing institutions for governance but extend this to a broader discussion on knowledge and democracy. The panel draws from a recent examination of Gandhi’s Hind Swaraj from a knowledge perspective, an attempt by a network of knowledge commons - the Knowledge In Civil Society or KICS – to posit an Indian science and technology manifesto for 21st-century India and the world. Knowledge Swaraj suggests a new social contract of science in India, based on the principles of plurality, sustainability and justice and a closer look at expertise and knowledge in India. The panel began with a view from civil society on knowledge by M V Sastri looking at Gandhi’s ideas of Hind Swaraj and oceanic circles and the need for the commons debates to relook at ideas from Hind Swaraj from the viewpoint of the present day discourses of human rights also. This was followed by  papers that suggest how these ideas can be explored in practice.

Cremation customs pollute Ganges river - Video Volunteers
The Ganga in Allahabad is being polluted by the tradition of immersing cremated corpses Posted on 03 Mar, 2011 01:28 PM



Proposed dumping site threatens water source - Video Volunteers
Chennai's main drinking water source will be affected if a proposed dumping site is built Posted on 14 Feb, 2011 10:03 AM

Building the Tehri Dam in India - A video from EarthReport
The Tehri Dam was commissioned in 1972, promising to provide electricity to Indians in the Northern States, drinking water and irrigation. Posted on 20 Jan, 2011 03:55 PM

Building the Tehri Dam in India - 

Whose water? Privatisation of water, a bane for consumers
All of us have felt the joy of slaking one's thirst with water, washing away the unforgiving heat of a Delhi summer with a cool glass of water. But have you ever paused to think about where we get our water from? How are we using this resource? Is it finite or will be always get clean water, everyday, for all our needs? Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 11:47 PM

All of us have felt the joy of slaking one's thirst with water, washing away the unforgiving heat of a Delhi summer with a cool glass of water. But have you ever paused to think about where we get our water from? How are we using this resource? Is it finite or will be always get clean water, everyday, for all our needs?