Video, Audio and other Multimedia

Tutorial on constructing water balance of a specific area for water resource planning
The aim of the tutorial is to introduce a simple water balance model and provide tools to construct water balance of a specific region Posted on 01 Jun, 2009 01:33 PM


Down the borewell hole ! Unique video footage
In this spectacular video we can see something pretty unique -- what goes on inside a borewell and how it acquires the water that we pump up as an everyday occurence. Posted on 26 May, 2009 11:12 AM

Mr. P. Ganesh of Ayyappa Aqua Solutions has invented a technique of lowering a camera with a flashlight down a borewell hole in order to understand what is going on inside. (Mr. Ganesh specializes in hydrofracturing which is a process of using high pressure water to crumble rock and open up fissures in order to rejuvenate borewells that have gone dry).

Karnataka tank project for restoration of tanks: a slideshow from World Bank
A slideshow from the World Bank on the Karnataka tank project for restoration of tanks Posted on 22 May, 2009 03:02 PM

Most of India's rural poor live in rain-fed areas where agricultural productivity is low. In Karnataka-one of India's driest states-the World Bank is helping to revive centuries-old tank systems to improve farm productivity and raise incomes. Read More

Videos related to the construction and use of dugwells in the arsenic prone villages of West Bengal
Construction of modern dugwells provide arsenic free water to villagers of West Bengal Posted on 22 May, 2009 12:48 PM

Videos related to the construction and use of the treated, improved dugwells in the arsenic prone villages of West Bengal in India to provide arsenic safe water.

Click Here

Why is dehydration so dangerous - Resources from rehydration project
Information on the causes and symptoms of diarrhoea, the prevention and treatment of dehydration following acute diarrhoeal disease and the methods to be followed for rehydration Posted on 21 May, 2009 04:16 PM

This site provides information on the causes and symptoms of diarrhoea, the prevention and treatment of dehydration following acute diarrhoeal disease and the methods to be followed for rehydration.

The site has links to the following sections:

“Oru Oorula Oru Oorani”: a movie highlighting the problems and solutions for drinking water in drought prone districts of Tamil Nadu
The villagers came together to revive ooranis and found an enduring solution to water problems in drought prone districts of Tamil Nadu Posted on 18 May, 2009 03:44 PM

The film highlights the problems and solutions for drinking water in drought prone districts of Tamil Nadu. Ooranis are village ponds that were engineered several centuries ago to harvest rainwater. 

Time: 14mins

Conveying water related messages to the community through theatre and communication workshop
Ministry of water resources demonstrates accomplishment of synergy by theatre and communication workshop Posted on 18 May, 2009 03:34 PM

A 15 day 'Theatre and Communication' workshop was held by water related NGOs from 12 states. This movie demonstrates the accomplishments of synergy and how after this workshop theatre was used in hundreds of schools to convey water related messages to the community.
Courtesy- Ministry of Water Resources, Time- 16:45 minutes

Every drop counts: channeling rainwater and surface water to recharge groundwater- a video
Recharge groundwater by channeling rainwater and surface water through open wells Posted on 18 May, 2009 01:26 PM

'Every Drop Counts' shows how to channel rainwater and surface water to recharge groundwater via open wells. Tankas (underwater tanks) are an excellent solution to tackle water scarcity and conserve our ground water.

Courtesy- Barefoot College, Time- 11:30 minutes

A multimedia course on groundwater management by Advanced Centre for Water Resources Development and Management (ACWADAM), Pune
The course introduces the concept of community-based groundwater resource management by using animation, field photographs and practical situation Posted on 15 May, 2009 01:07 PM

This multimedia course developed by ACWADAM, Pune, is primarily meant for people working in watershed and agriculture projects, to give them a better understanding of groundwater.

Short movies on urban water management, watershed development, groundwater, water body restoration and agriculture in India
View short films on urban water management, watershed development, groundwater, water body restoration and agriculture in India on Youtube Posted on 12 May, 2009 01:37 PM

Short films about the management of urban water in India click here

Short movies on "watershed development" click here
