Video, Audio and other Multimedia

Improving water and sanitation in the Northeastern states
Improving water and sanitation in the Northeastern states Posted on 19 Dec, 2007 09:21 PM


Excerpt from CSE's latest film on the rich man's excreta and poor man's water
Excerpt from CSE's latest film on the rich man's excreta and poor man's water
Posted on 15 Dec, 2007 07:35 AM

To quote : "CSE's latest film shows the relationship between rich man's shit and

Demonstrating inexpensive biosand water filters
Demonstrating inexpensive biosand water filters
Posted on 03 Dec, 2007 08:51 PM

A majority of the population in the developing world still does not have access t

The I-India shower bus for the street children of Jaipur
The I-India shower bus for the street children of Jaipur Posted on 24 Nov, 2007 08:37 AM

More on Discovery Channel's "Ganges" series
More on Discovery Channel's "Ganges" series Posted on 23 Nov, 2007 01:19 AM

Madhu Ramaswamy follows up after several people expressed their appreciation of this series on the blog Our posting about Discovery Channel's television series 'Ganges' has attracted several responses from readers, some of whom are under the mistaken impression that we are associated with the series. We would like to clarify that India Water Portal was merely drawing viewers' attention to this highly interesting series. We are not (alas!) involved in its production. We'd like to hear from blog readers their thoughts about the series. We're also trying to contact Discovery ourselves. Viewers who wish to send in their comments on the series could also get in touch with Discovery Channel directly at this link: ( For an understanding of our role and activities in the water sector, please see our weblink: According to the Discovery Channel website, the series will continue to air on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday next week.

Mayadanta Male : Broadcast programs on rainwater harvesting by Chitradurga AIR
Mayadanta Male : Broadcast programs on rainwater harvesting by Chitradurga AIR Posted on 23 Oct, 2007 08:51 PM

In July 2007 India Water Portal collaborated with Chitradurga All India Radio (AIR) station (FM 102.6MHz) to produce and broadcast programs related to rainwater harvesting and ground water management. This activity was part of the 'offline' dissemination program of the Water Portal , i.e. creating awareness related to water issues through different offline media. We feel that the program series is a success and would like to reproduce the experience on a larger scale. The series -- named Mayadanta Male (literal , Magical Rain) involves 15 programs of 30 minutes duration each.

A video on pollution caused by immersion of idols made out of toxic materials Posted on 23 Aug, 2007 10:02 AM

This is the season to start worrying about the pollution caused by immersion of idols made out of toxic materials. Siddharth sent us a short film he's made on this. Please forward to the Portal any other material or initiatives in this regard.

Radio programs on rainwater harvesting
Radio programs on rainwater harvesting
Posted on 10 Jul, 2007 09:10 PM

India Water Portal has partnered with VOICES and BIRD-K to produce and broadcast a set of radio programs on rainwater harvesting.The programs are in Kannada and target audience is people of Tumkur district, though the programs can be heard over a much wider reach including Bangalore.

Foot powered centrifugal pumps
Foot powered centrifugal pumps
Posted on 27 Jun, 2007 03:45 AM

Two instances of foot-powered water pumps that we have come across. Have readers come across others and do they feel that these are a useful invention?

Read about Treadle Pump Programme
