Implementing watershed development projects in Andhra Pradesh: Lessons learnt
Since 1994, govt. supported watershed development projects have undergone significant change resulting in innovative protocols and developments. What else is in store for them?
Watershed development, the need of the hour (Source: India Water Portal)
Kerala's waters polluted by perchlorate
A study found high concentration of perchlorate in groundwater samples as compared to surface water samples in Kerala with Ernakulum district showing the highest contamination.
Water contamination and health
After Cyclone Aila, farming nurtures food, faith in Sunderbans
In 2009, Cyclone Aila caused significant damage to livelihoods in the Sunderbans. While saline soil is subversive to agriculture in the area, integrated farming gives many the courage to start afresh.
Seed-banks are an effective instrument to preserve local varieties and keep people together
Half of Amritsar's drinking water samples contaminated
An alarmingly high level of contamination of the 1,317 drinking water samples in places visited regularly by residents calls for public awareness, immediate attention, and action by the authorities.
Safe drinking water, a scarce resource (Source: India Water Portal)
India's urban water systems: Challenges and way forward
Stages of urban development, sources of water, and the nature of aquifers all pose different challenges for water demand and availability in urban spaces in India.
Water, a valuable resource (Source: IWP Flickr Photos)
Step back in time into 'Ugrasen ki baoli'
Hidden amidst the crushing madness of Delhi's life, this stepwell offers a glimpse of a monument centred around water which is both fascinating and 'past' functional.
The old and the new: Ugrasen 'baoli' against the backdrop of Delhi.