Nepal earthquake affected women more than men
Disadvantaged groups suffered greater death, injury and livelihood asset losses. Dr Bimala Rai Paudyal, Hon’ble Member Planning Commission of Nepal says it is possible to reduce this vulnerability.
A family beside a damaged house near Naglebhare, Nepal (Source :Asian Development Bank)
Access to water data: Implications for transboundary relations in the Ganges river basin
Despite the enactments of RTI laws and insistence for openness in the government, access to information regimes on transboundary rivers has not changed at a fundamental level in South Asia.
A view of the Sharada river at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
The poisoned waters of Punjab
A study found that drinking water samples in SW Punjab were highly contaminated with uranium, thereby increasing the radiological and chemical risks to human health.
Safe drinking water, a scarce resource (Source: India Water Portal)
Groundwater: A few ignored issues
Does the root of India's groundwater problem lie in our Constitution, National Water Policy or the lack of an integrated approach?', asks KG Vyas former advisor to the Rajiv Gandhi Watershed Mission.
Contaminated water in Bhalaswa resettlement colony (Source: India Water Portal)
To pee or not to pee: A question women may not need to ask any more
Women may finally have the freedom to pee anywhere, without having to analyse the extent of a public toilet's hygiene. Read, all ye women, before your next pee break!
The disposable stand and pee device (Source: Priya Desai)
Rajasthan's micro saviours need macro plans
North Rajasthan is making good use of subsidies for micro irrigation and solar water pumps but can this sustain?
Farmer Sunil Bishnoi has seen a five times rise in income from his farm thanks to drip irrigation.
Kaun kitne paani mein: Movie review
A Hindi film set in a water starved locale in Odisha asks, "Can water be bartered for love?"
Water scarcity becomes a source of conflict between two villages (Source: Facebook)