How much water should flow in the Yamuna?
Considered sacred, the Yamuna is gasping for breath today choking on the unprecedented load of sewage and industrial effluents that drain into it. Can its ecological flow be worked out?
For a river to be healthy & maintain all its associated functions, free flow must be close to 50-60% of the total flow all year round (Source: Wikimedia)
Bangalore needs to break class barriers if its lakes are to be saved
The govt. has started reclaiming encroached lake beds in the IT city but unless citizens interact across class divides, these urban water bodies will continue to spew foam, says Leo F. Saldanha.
Foam from lake engulfs vehicles in Bangalore. Source: Yoga Priya
Community conservation of forests is successful when women participate
Van Panchayats have only been successful in conserving their forests with the enthusiastic participation of women. This is how to increase women's leadership in forest conservation.
These two neighbouring oak trees, one untouched and the other over-lopped, are both managed by the women of one family and illustrate the impact that women have on forests
Respect tribal goverments; conserve forests
Tribal governments can manage village natural resources better than elected Panchayats. Jarjum Ete, President of the All India Union of Forest Working People, explains why.
Arunachal's tribes have a tradition of managing their natural resources (Source:Wikimedia Commons)
Can the ‘Pad Piper’ lure away social taboos related to menstruation?
He wore pads, he figured out how to make them, and he's given rise to social enterprises around making biodegradable pads. Meet the 'Pad Piper' in this film by the same name.
A Muruganantham shows the working of a sanitary pad to women. (Source: The Pad Piper)
Household water filter use in Ahmedabad
Ahmedabad's rural areas have better access to expensive RO filters than more affordable gravity non-electric filters. What are the factors and implications affecting this choice of water filters?
Safe drinking water, a scarce resource (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Water warriors – Stories on people and their relationship with water
The stories in this yearbook highlight efforts by rural and urban communities across India to take back ownership of their water resources.
Prayers on the bank of the Kshipra