Ice Stupas: Water conservation in the land of the Buddha
As Ladakh faces water scarcity, the Ice Stupa project aims to overcome this in an innovative manner--through the making of vertical ice mountains.
Ice Stupa: Made from artificial glaciers, they store wasting winter water that melts & feeds farms when water is scarce (Source: The Ice Stupa Project)
Dengue for dummies
Dengue epidemics are escalating in India. Here's (mostly) everything that you need to know.
Wanted for murder: The Aedes aegypti mosquito the primary vector for Dengue (Source: James Gathany [Public domain], Wikimedia Commons)
Tribute to Prof. Ramaswamy Iyer
Prof. Iyer, Former Secretary of Water Resources who passed away a fortnight ago touched the lives of many. A few share their thoughts.
Ramaswamy Iyer, former Secretary Water Resources
A pond comes to life
Hundreds of villagers pitched in to revive a village pond at Bapugaon, a village in Rajasthan, to make it water and food secure.
More than just physical rehabilitation of a water body, says Kalyan ji of Bapugaon
Polavaram--solution or problem?
Dam history will be repeated with the construction of the Polavaram Dam. Unfortunately, other options that could have been looked into such as reduction of height, were ignored.
Papi kondalu gorge on Godavari (Source: Pranay Raj, Wikimedia Commons)