Right to water and sanitation: Looking beyond legal and policy frameworks to sites of entitlement
While research, policy and practice debates routinely talk about the human right to sanitation and water, there is little grasp of how these are translated into local understandings of entitlement.
An illegal settlement (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Ponds--once a lifeline of India's agriculture--are being revived by some Punjab farmers
Farm ponds, rediscovered by a few farmers in Patiala, could be the answer to the state's growing groundwater crisis as they can harvest rainwater and cushion against flooding.
Harmesh Singh has taken to rainwater harvesting on his farm since the groundwater has gone down.
Scarcity amidst plenty: Kerala's drinking water paradox
Kerala is blessed with high rainfall as well as plenty of natural water sources, but it has the lowest per capita share of freshwater resources in the country.
The Karamana river in Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala (Source: India Water Portal)
Let's not only blame Punjab's farmers for lighting up!
The current rice-wheat crop cycle and the cost of safe disposal of the straw push farmers towards burning, thereby causing them health issues as well as draining available natural resources.
Short period between rice harvesting and sowing of wheat forces farmers to burn straw. (Source: Neil Palmer Wikimedia Commons)
Is it possible to build resilience to climate change?
As the earth warms up, farmers face the most heat. Can they be better prepared and move towards a safer future? The film ‘For a safer future: Insights on climate resilience from India’, shows how.
‘For a safer future: Insights on climate resilience from India’: A film (Source: GEAG and TERI)
More people should use this zero sewage discharge toilet
The three-decade old 'Gramkranti Eco-Bio Toilet' doesn't pollute or need a septic tank or a sewage network. In fact, its output is a nutrient-rich liquid that can be used as a pesticide!
The team: Sanjay Joshi (left) and Ravindra Ganorkar (Source: Nivedita Khandekar)
High pressure recharge well to the rescue of school children in Mewat, Haryana
An innovative rainwater harvesting structure stores sweet rainwater below the ground, within a saline aquifer.
School children of Sukhpuri reap the benefit of HPRW (Source: Sumathi Sivam)
Do decentralised community water treatment plants improve quality and access?
A study in Andhra Pradesh found that over time, the benefits of the Community Water Systems disappeared. More studies are needed before they can be touted as a proven solution to supplying safe water.
Safe drinking water, a scarce resource (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
India, China, and the fight over 'rights' to the Brahmaputra
China's Zangmu dam has created an uproar in the Indian media. Here's why we should be more concerned about what India is doing.
This sketch shows the Brahmaputra's many identities in its course from Tibet to the Bay of Bengal.