Video, Audio and other Multimedia

Mechanical septic tank cleaning
The intrepid S. Vishwanath chances across a sanitation innovation Posted on 19 Apr, 2008 05:43 AM

These trucks with a built in pump suck out septic tanks and pit latrines for a fee of Rs 1300/- ( 33 US $). They do the job cleanly and in 15 minutes. The waste is then deposited at a sewage treatment plant or for farmers to compost and use as fertilizer. A protocol for safe handling of the manure needs to be quickly developed as well as to tell farmers how much manure to use.

The restoration of Nainital lake
The restoration of Nainital lake
Posted on 25 Mar, 2008 12:53 AM

"Clean Your Act" - New book from CSE
New book from Center for Science and Environment: A practical book and film package on treating wastewater. Posted on 26 Feb, 2008 09:40 AM

The book would help households and institutions understand how to implement wastewater management. The book is priced at Rs.250/- only. CLEAN YOUR ACT is CSE's latest film on alternative ways to treat wastewater.

Arkavathy Janadesh Yatra: A walk alongside the river in Bangalore
Arkavathy Janadesh Yatra: A walk alongside the river in Bangalore
Posted on 09 Feb, 2008 12:44 AM

Some video clippings of the Arkavathy Janadesh Yatra, a river walk along the entire length of the Arkavathy river outside Bangalore, to draw attention to this dying river.

Gastro-enteritis rears its head due to contaminated water in Bangalore
S.Vishwanath on the recent incidence of gastro-enteritis due to possibly sewage contaminated water in Bangalore Posted on 30 Jan, 2008 01:46 AM

There is a spurt of gastro-enteritis in the city today. Residents think that it is the contaminated mains supply from the BWSSB that is the source of the gastroenteritis. The Bangalore water supply and Sewerage Board thinks it is water bought by residents from the private water tankers that is the cause but then seems to change its mind.

Persian wheel : The water lifting device in Kolar, Karnataka
S.Vishwanath and Amitangshu Acharya document their visit to one of the last extant Persian wheels in the Kolar District of Karnataka Posted on 22 Jan, 2008 11:26 PM

img_0052.JPG What exactly is a Persian wheel? Also known as Rahat (in Urdu), it's a simple water lifting device, where a number of small pots are attached to a long chain. Two gear wheels make up the system and as the first one is revolved, the pots each dip and swallow water from the well and soon after pours itself out to a metallic shaft which in turns empties into an intricate network of troughs that distributes water adequately through the cropped area. It is believed that the technology originated in Egypt and as world shrunk through extensive trading, it spread to India and China.

Driving home the message on global warming
Driving home the message on global warming
Posted on 19 Jan, 2008 09:35 AM

Finally, another post to add to the "Humor" category of the blog. There is not enough of it in the water sector !

A collection of short films on Ecosan
A collection of short films on Ecosan
Posted on 13 Jan, 2008 11:54 AM

A quick introduction to Ecosan

Eco-san in a city

H2S Strip test and SODIS for testing water purity
H2S Strip test and SODIS for testing water purity Posted on 13 Jan, 2008 11:47 AM


Two simple technologies for water purity:

"Bringing Home rain" : A film on rainwater harvesting in Kannada and Tamil
"Bringing Home rain" : A film on rainwater harvesting in Kannada and Tamil Posted on 11 Jan, 2008 05:59 AM

