Mayadanta Male : Broadcast programs on rainwater harvesting by Chitradurga AIR

In July 2007 India Water Portal collaborated with Chitradurga All India Radio (AIR) station (FM 102.6MHz) to produce and broadcast programs related to rainwater harvesting and ground water management. This activity was part of the 'offline' dissemination program of the Water Portal , i.e. creating awareness related to water issues through different offline media. We feel that the program series is a success and would like to reproduce the experience on a larger scale. The series -- named Mayadanta Male (literal , Magical Rain) involves 15 programs of 30 minutes duration each. The program is broadcast at 7:45am every Thursday starting from 26 July 2007 till 1 November 2007. The content of the program is developed by Mr. Devraj Reddy, Director, Geo Rainwater Board (a consultancy based in Chitradurga, working on groundwater and rainwater harvesting) in association with Ms. AN Manjula, senior announcer, AIR Chitradurga. The initial episodes introduced Arghyam, its objectives, its scope and mode of operation to people along with a brief overview of India Water Portal. Then one of the episodes covered the superstitions, puzzles and stories related to rain. Later on, the series moves towards whys and hows of rainwater harvesting ( ) and ground water management ( Moving further the series took up case studies and success stories of people in and around Chitradurga. The programmes feature a live call-format to engage listeners more actively. Questions related to the current episode are posed to the listeners who call up AIR and answer them. A song is aired while this is going on, and after the song, AIR announces the names of the listeners who responded with the correct answer. At the end of each episode, AIR poses one more question and solicits responses through postal mail. Names of the listeners sending in the correct entries through post are announced in the subsequent programs. At the end of the series 50 listeners who have sent the most number of correct answers will be selected. A function is planned at the end of the programme series. The active listeners selected above will be congratulated with a memento. The intention here is to have a dialogue with the listeners and understand the effectiveness of the program. This also serves as a platform for listeners to share their feedback which will be useful to us.

Download or Listen to the Programs:

Listen to the First broadcast - 26th-July-2007 (Streamed MP3 Audio, 28min 02sec, 22kbps, 24kHz, Mono, 4.9MB): Download the program (MP3, 28min 02sec, 22kbps, 24kHz, Mono, 4.9MB)

Listen to the Second broadcast - 2nd-August-2007 (Streamed MP3 Audio, 28min 51sec, 22kbps, 24kHz, Mono, 5MB): Download the program (MP3, 28min 51sec, 22kbps, 24kHz, Mono, 5MB)

Listen to the Third broadcast - 7th-August-2007 (Streamed MP3 Audio, 29min 49sec, 22kbps, 24kHz, Mono, 5.2MB): Download the program (MP3, 29min 49sec, 22kbps, 24kHz, Mono, 5.2MB)

Listen to the Fourth broadcast - 9th-August-2007 (Streamed MP3 Audio, 28min 58sec, 22kbps, 24kHz, Mono, 5MB): Download the program (MP3, 28min 58sec, 22kbps, 24kHz, Mono, 5MB)

Listen to the Fifth broadcast - 16th-August-2007 (Streamed MP3 Audio, 29min 50sec, 22kbps, 24kHz, Mono, 5.2MB): Download the program (MP3, 29min 50sec, 22kbps, 24kHz, Mono, 5.2MB)

Listen to the Sixth broadcast - 23rd-August-2007 (Streamed MP3 Audio, 29min 38sec, 22kbps, 24kHz, Mono, 5.2MB): Download the program (MP3, 29min 38sec, 22kbps, 24kHz, Mono, 5.2MB)

Listen to the Seventh broadcast - 30th-August-2007 (Streamed MP3 Audio, 28min 53sec, 22kbps, 24kHz, Mono, 5MB): Download the program (MP3, 28min 53sec, 22kbps, 24kHz, Mono, 5MB)

Post By: iwp