World Bank (WB)
Marine fisheries in India - Issues, opportunities and transition for sustainable development - A World Bank working paper
Posted on 14 Feb, 2012 10:03 AMThis working paper by the World Bank presents the findings of a study that was conducted as a collaborative initiative by the World Bank and the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairyin
Orissa Community Tank Management Project – A paper by World Bank on proposed project restructuring
Posted on 03 Sep, 2011 07:39 PMThis document provides an appraisal of the World Bank financed Orissa Community Tank Management Project. The project on tank rehabilitation in the state was focused on institutional strengthening, agricultural livelihood services and some irrigation improvements in the project area.
Perspectives on poverty in India - Stylized facts from survey data – A report by World Bank
Posted on 26 Jul, 2011 04:38 PMIt produces a diagnosis of the broad nature of the poverty problem and its trends in India, focusing on both consumption poverty and human development outcomes.
It also includes attention in greater depth to three pathways important to inclusive growth and poverty reduction harnessing the potential of urban growth to stimulate rural-based poverty reduction, rural diversification away from agriculture, and tackling social exclusion.
Solid waste management initiatives in small towns - Lessons and implications - A WSP report
Posted on 10 Jun, 2011 05:12 PM These efforts were developed and launched through urban local bodies and which transformed service levels and helped improve compliance with the Municipal Solid Waste Rules, in a context where the state of MSW services in most of the Indian towns has been far from sati
India - Water resources management sector review - World Bank (1998)
Posted on 08 Dec, 2010 05:20 PMThis background report on Rural Water Supply and Sanitation by the World Bank, as a part of the Water Resources Management sector review, dwells on the policy and constraints of this sector, institutional and financial issues related to sector reform process and advocates an approach/plan to bring about radical reforms in the sector.
World Bank Report and AP High Court Writ Petition on Flourosis situation in Nalgonda District
Posted on 01 Jul, 2010 04:17 PMThe fluorosis section of this website dedicated to Nalgonda district, highlights the acute problem of very high levels of fluoride in the ground water resources of the district and its impact on the health of people - a high prevalence of severe and crippling bone and skeletal deformities. The site has information on the status of the affected people, flouride levels and various articles, petitions and pictures.
Drought in Andhra Pradesh - Long term impacts and adaptation strategies - A report by the World Bank
Posted on 29 Aug, 2009 03:11 PMThis report published by the World Bank consists of two volumes.
Volume 1 is divided into the following chapters:
Chapter1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Drought And Andhra Pradesh’s Economy: Historical Perspective
Chapter 3: Methodological Framework
Chapter 4: Reducing Vulnerability Of Agriculture To Drought In Eight Drought-Prone Districts
Chapter 5: Managing Economic Impact of Drought at the State Level
Chapter 6: Conclusions and recommendations
Karnataka urban water sector improvement project by world bank (2004)
Posted on 30 May, 2009 09:18 AMThis 2004 Project Appraisal Document of the World Bank for the Karnataka Urban Water Sector Improvement Project provides the long-term vision for the urban water sector in the State of Karnataka. The project aims to turn its performance into high quality, sustainable services in all urban local bodies.
Review of effectiveness of rural water supply schemes in India - a World Bank report
Posted on 29 May, 2009 10:16 AMThis report by the World Bank includes a large-scale empirical analysis of the traditional target-driven (supply-driven) programs of the Government and the more recent model of decentralized community-driven approaches and is based on a survey that covers about 40000 rural households across 10 states in India and cov
Karnataka tank project for restoration of tanks: a slideshow from World Bank
Posted on 22 May, 2009 03:02 PMMost of India's rural poor live in rain-fed areas where agricultural productivity is low. In Karnataka-one of India's driest states-the World Bank is helping to revive centuries-old tank systems to improve farm productivity and raise incomes. Read More