Research Papers

Dynamic groundwater resources of Maharashtra – A report by CGWB and GSDA (2004)
The report gives the groundwater potential of different districts of the State on watershed basis and also information about the semi-critical, critical and over-exploited watersheds. Posted on 08 Aug, 2011 04:35 PM

This report on “Dynamic Ground Water Resources of Maharashtra (2004)” presents the groundwater estimates for the State of Maharashtra as computed by the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) and Groundwater Survey and Development Agency (GSDA) based on the guidelines given by the Groundwater Estimation Committee (GEC-1997) constituted by Ministry of Water Resources (Government of India). 

Suppressed surface heating over north-western parts of the country and the ensuing monsoon rainfall - A report by India Meteorological Department
This report by the IMD deals with the suppressed surface heating over north-western parts of the country and its relation with the ensuing monsoon rainfall. Posted on 08 Aug, 2011 07:38 AM

During the year 2011, the temperatures have been below normal over north and northwestern parts of India due to the enhanced activity of western disturbances. These conditions had raised many apprehensions about the possible impact on the subsequent monsoon, if any.

Urbanization and intersectoral competition for water – A report by Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
The ad hoc and sectoral approaches of the past do not adequately address the interrelated nature of urban water use, the report says. Posted on 07 Aug, 2011 07:24 PM

The report by Paul P Appasamy and Ruth Meinzen Dick deals with urbanization and intersectoral competition for water founded on the view that stereotypical images of “thirsty cities” that equate urban demand with “drinking water” or factories, and rural water supply with irrigation do not adequately portray the water uses in each area.

Rural drinking water supply and sanitation - Standard operating procedure for responding to natural disasters - Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation
The manual attempts to ensure quick and effective response during disasters to minimize casualties and enable quick recovery. Posted on 05 Aug, 2011 08:37 PM

This standard operating procedure developed by the Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation includes all functions pertaining to disaster prevention, institutional mechanism, preparedness, early warning, relief, recovery and rehabilitation. It will apply to RWSS Department/ PHED/ PRED/ Sanitation Departments/ Board dealing with rural water supply and sanitation for natural disasters that the State is prone to. The standard operating procedure will not be applicable to nuclear, biological and chemical disasters.

Uncertainties in downscaled relative humidity for a semi-arid region in India – A paper in Journal of Earth Systems Science
The study investigates the uncertainties in regional scenarios developed for relative humidity due to the choice of emission scenarios. Posted on 05 Aug, 2011 05:42 PM

This paper in Journal of Earth Systems Science deals with uncertainties in downscaled relative humidity for a semi-arid region - Malaprabha basin in India. Researchers and decision-makers who assess the impact of climate change in river basin development, agriculture, hydrology, irrigation management, etc., require future scenarios of relative humidity.

Establishment of missing stream link between the Markanda river and the Vedic Saraswati river in Haryana – A paper in Current Science
The study reveals that once the Markanda basin was a part of the Vedic Saraswati river system. Posted on 05 Aug, 2011 04:11 PM

This paper in Current Science attempts to establish a missing stream link between the Markanda river and the Vedic Saraswati river in the plains of northern Haryana based on geoelectrical resistivity surveys. Resistivity surveys in the Gangetic Plains around Pehowa region in Haryana, have revealed different subsurface geological formations composed of fine, medium and coarse sand with gravel. Resistivity section between the lower part of the Markanda basin and the Saraswati river around Pehowa region indicates the presence of buried sand bodies connecting the two rivers.

Stemming the tide - Relief, reconstruction and development in coastal Andhra Pradesh – A report by Aga Khan Development Network
The report presents the outcomes of the three-year Andhra Pradesh Relief to Development project of the Aga Khan Development Network. Posted on 05 Aug, 2011 02:35 PM

coverIts aim aim was to improve the capacity of target communities to better manage in times of disaster. To set in motion a process that would sustain a short-term project, the Aga Khan Development Network drew on guiding principles developed from its experiences of projects in disaster reconstruction and more comprehensive development programs: high-quality community-based interventions, working on multiple fronts, and fostering linkages with strong institutional partners.

At the core of the project’s disaster management and mitigation strategy was the creation of empowered and highly motivated community-based organizations; their participation was critical in shaping and implementing initiatives that would best serve the needs of the vulnerable, particularly women and children.

Wetlands conservation and sustainable management in the Nilgiris - Final project report and local management plan by Keystone Foundation
This document presents the final report of the Keystone Foundation’s Small Wetlands Programme of IUCN-The Netherlands Committee. Posted on 02 Aug, 2011 07:48 PM

The initiative on hill wetlands in the Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve is supported through this. The area is located at the junction of the Eastern Ghats and the Western Ghats, or Sahyadris, the two prominent mountain ranges that run almost parallel to the coastlines of Peninsular India and is home to indigenous forest people and is a rare repository of mountain biodiversity.

The Nilgiris is home to unique wetlands that are the source of sustenance of numerous animals and human communities. Wetlands are among the more important reservoirs of biodiversity that nature has painstakingly crafted over millions of years.

Troubled waters - Climate change, hydropolitics and transboundary resources – A report by TERI and The Henry L Stimson Center
The report evaluates whether climate change impacts on shared freshwater supplies could produce conflicts that might threaten global security. Posted on 02 Aug, 2011 07:38 PM

This report is a part of Stimson’s Regional Voices: Transnational Challenges project and provides valuable cross-regional and multidisciplinary insights into the complex issues surrounding transboundary water resources and climate change. It examines the environmental dangers and policy dilemmas confronting the sustainable management of shared water resources in a warming world.

Role of cyclones and other factors in the decline of the ports of northern Orissa - Current Science
Cyclones and storm surges are the main factors responsible for the decline of ports, particularly along the northern Orissa coast, the article says. Posted on 30 Jul, 2011 01:23 AM

CyclonesThis article published in Current Scienc
