Research Papers

Threat of land subsidence in and around Kolkata City and East Kolkata Wetlands – A paper in Journal of Earth System Science
The groundwater of the cities and wetland areas should be developed cautiously based on the groundwater potential to minimize the threat of land subsidence, the report says. Posted on 18 Jul, 2011 07:33 PM

This paper in Journal of Earth System Science attempts to estimate the possible rate of land subsidence of Kolkata City including Salt Lake City and the adjoining East Kolkata Wetlands located at the lower part of the deltaic alluvial plain of South Bengal basin. Land subsidence is an environmental hazard which is caused by overdraft of groundwater or oil extraction and results in gradual settling or sudden sinking of the earth’s surface owing to subsurface movement of the materials of the earth. 

Impact of climate change on extreme rainfall events and flood risk in India – A paper in Journal of Earth System Science
This paper in the Journal of Earth System Science deals with the impact of climate change on extreme rainfall events as well as on flood risk in India. Posted on 18 Jul, 2011 06:27 AM

The occurrence of exceptionally heavy rainfall events and associated flash floods in many areas during recent years prompted the researchers to study long-term changes in extreme rainfall over India. 

Geospatial tools for assessing land degradation in Budgam district of Kashmir Himalaya – A paper in Journal of Earth Systems Science
This paper in Journal of Earth Systems Science deals with the use of geospatial tools for assessing land degradation in Budgam district of Kashmir Himalaya. Posted on 18 Jul, 2011 06:08 AM

Land degradation reduces the ability of the land to perform many biophysical and chemical functions. The main aim of this study was to determine the status of land degradation in the study area using remote sensing and geographic information system.

Assessing variability of water quality in a groundwater-fed perennial lake of Kashmir Himalayas using linear geostatistics – A paper in Journal of Earth System Science
This paper in Journal of Earth System Science presents a study on Manasbal lake, which is one of the high altitude lakes in the Kashmir Valley, India. Posted on 17 Jul, 2011 08:47 PM

The study of the hydrochemistry of the Manasbal lake was done to find out whether the lake water was fit for drinking, irrigation and other purposes.

Maps generated from the integration of water level data of Central Ground Water Board and State Ground Water Board
This report of the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) presents maps generated from the integration of data of CGWB (CGWB) and State Ground Water Board (SGWB). Posted on 17 Jul, 2011 03:49 PM

The CGWB under the Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India, is the national apex agency entrusted with the responsibilities of providing scientific inputs for management, exploration, monitoring, assessment, augmentation and regulation of ground water resources of the country.

Evaluating household water treatment options
A report by World Health Organisation on health-based targets and microbiological performance specifications. Posted on 17 Jul, 2011 02:11 PM

CoverThis document by the World Health Organisation, for the first time, sets forth global criteria to evaluate whether a household water treatment option reduces waterborne pathogens sufficiently to protect health. Through use of a risk-based framework and by emphasizing the philosophy of incremental improvement, it is intended to provide implementers and policy-makers with an evidence-based and pragmatic approach to select options suited to local conditions.

Household water treatment interventions may play an important role in protecting public health where existing water sources, including those delivered via a piped network or other improved sources, are untreated, are not treated properly or become contaminated during distribution or storage. Household water treatment applications are a range of technologies, devices or methods employed for the purposes of treating water at the household level or at the point of use in other settings, such as schools, health-care facilities and other community locations. Point-of-use water treatment is another term used for household water treatment.

Geomorphic study for regeneration of aquatic ecosystem in Bareilly – An article in Geospatial World
This article in Geospatial World deals with a geomorphic study of low elevated wards in Bareilly. Posted on 17 Jul, 2011 10:53 AM

It indicates that the aquatic ecosystem of an area disappeared due to unplanned development of agro ecosystems and human settlements. This area was earlier covered with ponds, wetlands and ox-bow lakes. Now, during the rainy season, inhabitants of these wards face severe problem of water logging and pollution. 

Public-Private Partnerships in urban water supply for Maharashtra – Tool kit by GoI-ADB PPP Initiative
This tool kit by the ADB focused on identifying and developing PPP structures, which can be implemented in water supply and sanitation for the cities of Maharashtra. Posted on 16 Jul, 2011 06:48 PM


The various possible PPP structures for the sector were studied, and their applicability assessed in the context of the selected sample cities. Consultations led to development of term sheets for these PPP structures, which were identified as most suitable and feasible for implementation.

The above exercise has led to development of this report, which may be considered as a tool kit designed to help decision makers decide whether a particular project might be suitable for the PPP route or not. The tool kit can, therefore, be the basis for approving a project implementation structure as part of the overall project approval methodology.

Water quality status of rivers in India – Report of Central Water Commission
These River Water Quality Reports prepared by the Central Water Commission (CWC) summarise the river water data collected under its long term monitoring programme. The Central Water Commission monitors water quality at 371 key locations covering all the major river basins of India by maintaining a three tier laboratory system for analysis of 41 water quality parameters. Posted on 15 Jul, 2011 06:19 PM

The Level-I Laboratories are located at 258 field water quality monitoring stations on various rivers of India where physical parameters such as temperature, colour, odour, specific conductivity, total dissolved solids, pH and dissolved oxygen of river water are observed.

Status of monsoon forecasting in India – A scientific correspondence in Current Science
This scientific correspondence by P Goswami in Current Science is in response to a recent article in it by Sulochana Gadgil and J Srinivasan where they presented the outcome of the project ‘Seasonal Prediction of the Indian Monsoon’ (SPIM). Posted on 09 Jul, 2011 09:49 PM

 The article dealt with the prediction of Indian summer monsoon rainfall by five atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs) during 1985–2004.
