Research Papers

Integrated approach to solid waste management in Pune city – A working paper in MPRA
This paper by Sanjay Rode, Mumbai University in Munich Personal RePEc Archive presents an integrated approach to solid waste management for the city of Pune. Posted on 31 Aug, 2011 07:02 PM

Solid waste is increasing in the city due to growth of population, urbanization, higher per capita income and standard of living, changing lifestyle and food habits.

The first section of the paper explains about the structure of the solid waste in the city. The solid waste according to its constituents is presented in the second section. The third section of the paper explains about the regression result. The last section deals with the policy implication and conclusion.

Social equity and integrated water resources management – A background paper by Global Water Partnership
This background paper by Humberto Peña, Global Water Partnership deals with what social equity means in the context of water management. Posted on 31 Aug, 2011 04:10 PM

 It provides an analytical framework that policy makers and water professionals can use to bring greater clarity to the issue of social equity in their local context.

Groundwater quality assessment of Jharia coalfield area in West Bengal - A case study in NISCAIR
The study shows that the water is suitable for domestic purposes with some exceptions. Posted on 27 Aug, 2011 06:35 PM

This case study in National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR) by the Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research (CIMFR), Dhanbad and the Geo-Environment Division (Environment Management Group) deals with groundwater quality assessment of Jharia coalfield area of West Bengal. The physiochemical characteristics of groundwater of the upper catchments of the coalfield were studied to evaluate the water quality.

Adaptive water resource management in the Lower Bhavani project command area in Tamil Nadu – A research report by IWMI
This study by IWMI explores the theory and practice of adaptive management based on a detailed field study in the Lower Bhavani project command area. Posted on 25 Aug, 2011 11:07 PM


To what extent farmers and water resource managers already practice adaptive management and whether it is practiced in an optimal manner or could there be areas for improvement based on recent advancements in the theory of adaptive management are some of the questions that are particularly appropriate in the light of rapid changes in river basin water use and also in relation to basin closure.

This paper draws on the development and use of water resources in the Lower Bhavani Project (LBP), with the LBP reservoir and the 84,000 hectare (ha) LBP command area. The project diverts water from the Bhavani River, a tributary of the Cauvery River in Tamil Nadu.

Water quality study and cost-benefit analysis of rainwater harvesting in Kuttanad, Kerala
The study reveals the urgency of water scarcity and sheds light on the potential remediation strategies. Posted on 25 Aug, 2011 02:23 PM

KuttanadThis thesis by Christina Tang for the Center of Environmental Studies, Brown University deals with a study of water quality and attempts to ascertain the net benefits or costs from rainwater harvesting under a variety of scenarios for households in various water supply conditions.

Eighty percent of the 7,00,000 citizens of Kuttanad, a region in the coastal State of Kerala have no access to clean water. In Kuttanad, intensive untreated human sewage and agricultural activities have caused severe surface water contaminations. At the same time, other sources of freshwater are unreliable for drinking: groundwater is acidic due to the soil conditions and iron leaching; freshwater from public tap is infrequent; and water supply from private vendors is extremely expensive.

Restructuring of the Central Water Commission – Ministry of Water Resources invites comments on its proposal till September 30, 2011
The Ministry of Water Resources has invited comments from various stakeholders on restructuring of the Central Water Commission. Posted on 25 Aug, 2011 12:24 PM


The restructuring is being proposed primarily to adopt river basins as the fundamental block for integrated planning, development and management of water resources in the country. 

Seasonal prediction of the Indian monsoon - A paper from Current Science
The paper attempts to predict seasonal monsoon using atmospheric models. Posted on 25 Aug, 2011 02:07 AM

This paper published in Current Science presents the results of the national project on ‘Seasonal Prediction of the Indian Monsoon’ (SPIM), which involved a comparison of the skill of the atmospheric models used in the country for prediction of the summer monsoon, in simulation of the year-to-year variation of the summer monsoon rainfall over the Indian region for 1985–2004.

Groundwater, self-supply and poor urban dwellers - A review with case studies of Bangalore and Lusaka by IIED
This paper by IIED explores the extent to which urban dwellers, and especially those living in low income areas, depend directly and indirectly on groundwater. Posted on 24 Aug, 2011 08:32 PM

It investigates the difficulties they face and emphasizes the need for better integration of groundwater in the planning and management of urban water resources.

Boundary concepts for interdisciplinary analysis of irrigation water management – A working paper by Peter Mollinga
This paper by Peter Mollinga, University of Bonn reviews the boundary concept that has emerged in interdisciplinary irrigation studies in South Asia, particularly India. Posted on 24 Aug, 2011 07:16 PM

The focus is concepts that capture the hybridity of irrigation systems as complex systems, and cross the boundaries of the natural and social sciences. 

Payments for ecosystem services and food security – A report by Food and Agriculture Organisation
The report by Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) deals with payments for ecosystem services and food security. Posted on 24 Aug, 2011 06:08 PM

PESChanging climate, loss of native forests, disappearance of biodiversity, water shortages, desertification, the reduction of natural soil fertility — all add to the scenario of a world with increasingly complex environmental challenges.

The concept of Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) has emerged as a challenge to the all-too-prevalent tradition of taking the Earth’s natural resources for granted. PES highlights a global continuum, illustrating the relationship between our lifestyles, the demands associated with our production and consumption patterns, and the effects those demands have on close or distant ecosystems.
