Rural drinking water supply and sanitation - Standard operating procedure for responding to natural disasters - Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation

This standard operating procedure developed by the Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation includes all functions pertaining to disaster prevention, institutional mechanism, preparedness, early warning, relief, recovery and rehabilitation. It will apply to RWSS Department/ PHED/ PRED/ Sanitation Departments/ Board dealing with rural water supply and sanitation for natural disasters that the State is prone to. The standard operating procedure will not be applicable to nuclear, biological and chemical disasters.

The objective of this document is to minimize the loss of lives and social, private and community assets because of natural disasters -

  • By providing efficient systems for cooperation and collaboration among all the departments/ agencies of the Government at all levels including State/ District/ Village levels in effective preparedness, response and relief.
  • Building capacities of communities and line departments at National/ State/ District/ Village levels in effective preparedness, response and relief.
  • To ensure quick and effective response during disasters to minimize casualties and enable quick recovery, restoration and rehabilitation of water and sanitation facilities without delay.

This manual is prepared in order to assist everyone in the rural water and sanitation department and SWSM, DWSM, NGOs and community, whether at the national, state, district or at other levels. It also indicates actions that need to be taken in collaboration with other departments at various levels. This document explains, for each category of staff, exactly what they are responsible for, and what steps they should take before, during and after a disaster. These are standard guidelines for staff at all levels as well as NGO workers so that they may take action immediately.

Download the document here -

Post By: Amita Bhaduri