The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
Informing children about environmental pollution
Children are important stakeholders in bringing about change, say experts
Posted on 13 Apr, 2022 04:56 PM

Children are important stakeholders in the path to sustainable development, in addition to being the most effective agents of climate change-related actions, emphasized experts at the launch of Pollution Solutions: For a Cleaner, Greener Earth, a book for children

Time is running out on climate action (Image: Maxpixel)
A ready reckoner on emissions
TERI and EDF develop a detailed air emission inventory Posted on 25 Jan, 2022 10:18 PM

A detailed air emission inventory with a comprehensive list of pollutants within a pre-defined geographical area is beneficial for developing clean air action plans. It can also be used to test the effectiveness of pilot interventions towards air quality abatement.

Smokestacks at a power plant (Image: Flickr/ Nick Humphries)
Delhi’s air pollution: TERI study looks at cost effective interventions
More stringent regional and local control strategies need to be implemented at the airshed level.
Posted on 14 Dec, 2021 10:55 AM

Being the capital city, Delhi’s worsening air quality has not only concerned the residents but also attracted significant regional and global attention. Over the last several years, PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations in Delhi have remained well above the prescribed national standards.

Regional level air quality planning and implementation is recommended for effective control of pollution in the whole region (Image: Let Delhi Breathe)
Awareness and brainstorming on urban wetlands of Maharashtra by TERI on the occasion of World Wetlands Day 2013
On the occasion of World Wetlands Day - 2013, TERI focused on identifying the need, gaps, and devising strategies for long term conservation of “Urban Wetlands” of Maharashtra, India.
Posted on 10 Mar, 2013 11:29 PM

Author: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)

Troubled waters - Climate change, hydropolitics and transboundary resources – A report by TERI and The Henry L Stimson Center
The report evaluates whether climate change impacts on shared freshwater supplies could produce conflicts that might threaten global security. Posted on 02 Aug, 2011 07:38 PM

This report is a part of Stimson’s Regional Voices: Transnational Challenges project and provides valuable cross-regional and multidisciplinary insights into the complex issues surrounding transboundary water resources and climate change. It examines the environmental dangers and policy dilemmas confronting the sustainable management of shared water resources in a warming world.

National Ganga River Basin Authority – Environmental and Social Management Framework by MoEF
Posted on 09 Jan, 2011 08:55 AM

GangaThis document in two volumes deals with the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) of National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA). The Government of India (GOI) has established NGRBA for the comprehensive management of the river with the mandate of addressing both water quantity and quality aspects, through a multi-sector, river-basin approach. The NGRBA has resolved that by year 2020 no untreated municipal sewage or industrial effluents will be discharged into River Ganga.

The NGRBA has received significant authority over regulatory and developmental matters, including the power to develop river-basin management plans and facilitate their implementation. The NGRBA has a detailed implementation structure, supported by the GoI. At the state level, State Ganga River Basin Authorities (SGRBA’s) have been proposed. 

Review of current practices in determining user charges & incorporation of economic principles of pricing of urban water supply
Review of the existing guidelines of determination of user charges for water and sanitation services and to incorporate economic principles of pricing in urban water supply sector in India”.
Posted on 19 Dec, 2010 07:21 PM

This paper is an outcome of  The Energy Research Institute's (TERI’s) study for the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) under the Ministry’s Centre of Excellence (COE) to “Review the existing guidelines of determination of user charges for water and sanitation services and to incorporate economic principles of pricing in urban water supply sector in India”.

Sensitising children on water quality : An Interactive fun way to learn the extent to which our rivers are polluted
A brief on Edugreen, an educational initiative for making children more environmental conscious
Posted on 04 Sep, 2009 11:12 AM

Sensitizing children about environmental issues and green habits is important as they can reduce or prevent various types of environmental pollution in daily life.  Edugreen, an initiative of TERI, makes this learning fun and interactive for the children.

Basin and water quality map for all major rivers of the country
Basin map for all major rivers of India by Central Ground Water Board, Central Water Commission and water quality map for all major rivers by TERI Posted on 01 Jun, 2009 04:53 PM

Watershed atlas of India from the Central Ground Water Board provides quite detailed basin maps for all major rivers of the country. To view the map by Central Ground Water Board click here