Research Papers

Bracing for flood hazards : A commentary in Current Science
This commentary by K S Valdiya in Current Science deals with the increased incidence of spells of intense-extreme rainfall, the resultant obstructions in floodways, the loss of carrying-holding capacity of rivers and the channelization of floodwater. Posted on 09 Jul, 2011 07:22 PM

Climate modeling studies indicate that there will be more spells of intense rainfall and frequent instances of extreme rainfall. This prediction is coming true, particularly in the central sector of the Himalayan belt, where there is pronounced decline in winter precipitation (both rain and snow) and prolonged spells of drought in summer broken by cloudbursts in localized areas.

Conflicts and dilemma of human right to water - A Current Science paper by J Harsha
The June 2011 of Current Science has an opinion paper titled 'Conflicts and dilemma of human right to water' by J Harsha. Posted on 05 Jul, 2011 04:30 PM


Download the below attachment to read the entire article:

Biodrainage to combat waterlogging, increase farm productivity and sequester carbon in canal command areas of northwest India – A paper in Current Science
This paper in Current Science deals with the use of biodrainage to combat waterlogging, increase farm productivity and sequester carbon in canal command areas of northwest India. Posted on 02 Jul, 2011 03:46 PM

The rise in groundwater table followed by waterlogging and secondary soil salinization is a serious problem in canal-irrigated areas of arid and semi-arid regions. To combat the problem, an agroforestry model for biodrainage was tested in waterlogged fields of Haryana (northwest India), where 10 per cent area (0.44 m ha) is waterlogged resulting in reduced crop yields and abandonment of agricultural lands.

Impacts of climate change on growth and yield of rice and wheat in the Upper Ganga Basin – A study by Indian Agricultural Research Institute
This study by Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), commissioned by WWF-India focuses on the impacts of climate change on the rice and wheat production system in the Upper Ganga Basin. Posted on 26 Jun, 2011 01:51 PM

CoverThis report presents the results based on climate change scenarios and identifies potential adaptation strategies. The study is part of the ‘Climate Change Impacts on Freshwater Ecosystems in the Himalayas’ (CCIFEH) project, a joint initiative of WWF-India and WWF-Nepal, supported by WWF-Netherlands and aims to study and understand climate change impacts on freshwater ecosystems, livelihoods and the economy.

Change in climate conditions and the frequency of natural disasters in recent times has made it imperative to find lasting adaptation solutions for the agriculture sector. Given that almost 60 per cent of the country’s population relies on this sector for its livelihood and that it contributes approximately 15.7 per cent of India’s GDP, an analysis of changes which could impact crop yields and subsequently lead to an instable food security scenario is necessary.

An Indian perspective on the conservation and management of lakes – A report by Ministry of Environment and Forests
This publication on the conservation and management of India’s lakes and wetlands, is a follow-up of the 12th World Lake Conference. The importance of this publication also stems from how valuable our lakes and wetlands are to our ecosystems. Posted on 25 Jun, 2011 10:43 PM


 This publication will serve to be useful reference material for policymakers, implementing agencies, environmentalists and those who enjoy the beauty and diversity of India’s water bodies.

Lakes are not only a source of water and livelihood for many of our populations, but they also support a large proportion of our biodiversity. The wetlands, shallower peripheral areas of large lakes, provide breeding and nesting grounds to huge population of birds, many of which migrate to India from as far north as Siberia.

Enhanced quality of life through sustained sanitation - India country paper for South Asia Conference on Sanitation
The paper states that there had been continued improvements in access to sanitation, increased attention to usage of toilets and sustenance of hygienic behaviour change, and safe conveyance and disposal at the community level to reap the benefits of improved health and environmental outcomes. Posted on 24 Jun, 2011 10:09 PM

coverThis India Country Paper on Enhanced Quality of Life through Sustained Sanitation was prepared for South Asia Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN) IV held at Colombo, Sri Lanka in April, 2011.

In rural sanitation, India’s flagship rural sanitation programme, the Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC), continues to be implemented with renewed vigour, and improvements in multiple facets of the programme. The TSC programme was given a further boost with the introduction of the Nirmal Gram Puraskar (NGP), an innovative incentive scheme for Gram Panchayats, Blocks and Districts. The rural sanitation sector has continued to receive increasing budgetary support.

Is privatisation a formula for provision or perversion of municipal solid waste management?
This paper by Brooks Anderson of Clear Impression Documentation Services reviews the history, theory and outcomes of public service privatisation in order to weigh its merit and foresee the impact privatisation is likely to have on municipal solid waste management (MSWM) and thereby upon public welfare in India. Posted on 24 Jun, 2011 09:17 PM


In 2000, in response to a Supreme Court order, the Government of India formulated and enacted the Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules (hereafter referred to as the Rules) to mitigate a burgeoning solid waste crisis. Pollution from haphazard municipal solid waste disposal was gravely jeopardizing public health, thereby undermining the nation’s development gains.

The Rules’ prime objective was to protect public health and the environment by minimizing disposal of waste in landfills, thereby aligning the government’s municipal waste management policy with its commitments to international treaties to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, control the production of persistent organic pollutants, conserve finite resources, and achieve broad development targets.

Scaling up rural sanitation: Findings from the impact evaluation baseline survey in Madhya Pradesh
This technical report edited by the by Water and Sanitation Programme (WSP) and published by the World Bank (WB) summarizes the findings of the baseline survey conducted in Madhya Pradesh (MP), India, which was a part of an Impact Evaluation (IE) study that aimed at assessing the impact of the Global Scaling up Rural Sanitation Project launched by the Water and Sanitation Programme, in India. Posted on 24 Jun, 2011 03:43 PM

This report is a part of a series of papers that analysed the baseline data from all countries where the program was implemented.

A record of lake outburst in the Indus valley of Ladakh Himalaya: A paper in Current Science
This study in Current Science on lake outburst in the Indus valley of Ladakh Himalaya deals with the specific case of a paleolake record of outburst discovered at approximately 3245 metres above mean sea level in the Spituk–Leh valley of the Indus river, Ladakh Himalaya. Posted on 23 Jun, 2011 04:45 PM

Interdependence of glacial fluctuations to hydrometeorology and sediment transfer in the connected river basins is well recognized in the Himalayan region. Considering the increased rates of glacial recession during past few decades, possibility of creating new lake basins by glacial melt and damming of rivers followed by lake outbursts and related flash floods is likely to increase.

Survey of recent sanitation achievement in Himachal Pradesh - A study by Institute of Development Studies
A 'Sanitation revolution' is attributed to Himachal Pradesh. The Institute of Development studies examines this phenomenon Posted on 23 Jun, 2011 10:35 AM

Himachal PradeshThis report of a study commissioned by the Institute of Development Studies on the Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) site presents the findings of the survey that was conducted in Himachal Pradesh to assess the progress made by the state in rural sanitation, in the context of the sanitation revolution, which is said to have occurred in the state of Himachal Pradesh in the last few years. 

Himachal Pradesh has a population of about 6.9 million and is over 90% rural. It has a relatively good record on human development indicators and access to public services. However, it showed a dismal awareness on the sanitation front till a few years ago.For example, in 2004, household toilet coverage in rural areas of Himachal Pradesh was estimated at about 28%. In early 2005, the Government of Himachal Pradesh adopted a new strategy to secure better rural sanitation results, which included:
