How to remove yellow color & salty taste from bore well water?

I am living in Ramapuram, Chennai. In my house the bore water is yellow colored, salty & it contains 2500 TDS. The depth of the bore is 150 ft & we have put the suction valve at 140ft. …

Guidelines for setting up Sewage Treatment Plan in residential complex in Gurgaon,Haryana

Hi Forum Members,

I live in a residential complex which houses close to 800 residential apartments. The builder as of now has not setup the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) in the complex; but…

Options to pump water in Mahabalipuram,TN ,where no electricity is available

I am in the process of developing a 2 acre farm near Mahabalipuram, TN. I don't have a power connection and it is not likely to come through in the next 6-12 months. I am planning to dig a bore…

Borewell compressor pump question

Dear All,

The yield from our borewell is inconsistent (~600 litres/hour) and it runs dry after about 6-8 hours, after which it needs to recharge, before we can pump water the next day. The…

Hard ground water in a bunglow in Nagpur,Maharashtra -Contains 1400PPM and unfit for consumption.Please advice?

I purchased a bunglow in a township in Nagpur which is fed by ground water through th bore. Finding the water to be very hard, I got it tested by Eureka forbes and was told it contains 1400PPM…

Issues with the borewell water in Chennai,TN



I had drilled a new borewell in my plot 3 months before.   The guys who drilled the borewell informed me that the volume of water is good but it will take another 10 to 15 days…

Borewell water in Bangalore, Karnataka,light brown color and slighty oily


For my proposed house construction in 35x50 site, following borewell was drilled.

Borewell drilling in Bangalore,Karnataka - Is the chain drilling good enough? What is the approximate cost assuming if we dig 200 ft.

Dear Sir,

I am an old resident of Davis Road, Cooke Town, Bangalore and we never had a water problem in our area. But for the past 3 months the supply from BWSSB has been very minimal .In…

Scale formation in water pipe lines in a hotel in Tamil Nadu


            We are running a hotel in Tamilnadu , our hotel is adjacent to a very once perinial river once called Palar , now its dry . Now the river is polluted bcoz of factories…

Looking for a better design for water level indicator

I need to make a water level indicator for a tank of height 4 mtrs. I want a mechanical water level indicator which is less costly, easy to maintain and implement. Now I am using a simple…

Effective decision on borewell digging required to be taken by Chennai based NGO

Dear Experts,


We are a not for profit organisation functioning in Chennai, collaborating with organisations with similar interest... we are in tie up with a rural agency working for…

Need information on water pump selection for domestic use for a house in Delhi

Dear Sir,

I am living in north delhi and have municipal water supply pipe in my house.Actually i m confused How much HP motor i will need to fill my tank which is on fourth floor??Earlier i…

Please advise on how to rehabilitate borewell in Bangalore, Karnataka - Please suggest any scientific method available to identify water location which can alert problems like boulders & loose soil

I am staying in a apartment consisting 60 flats in C.V.Raman nagar-Bangalore. Builder had provided three successfull borewell 750ft, 800ft and 950ft at various locations
while constructing.…

Please help a patient of chronic renal failure by advising on the use of RO purifiers for drinking water

Well,really nice site & really compliments to all experts & the admins of this site:)

My Question-

My father is having chronic renal failure,going on haemodialysis..Our…
