Please advise on how to rehabilitate borewell in Bangalore, Karnataka - Please suggest any scientific method available to identify water location which can alert problems like boulders & loose soil

I am staying in a apartment consisting 60 flats in C.V.Raman nagar-Bangalore. Builder had provided three successfull borewell 750ft, 800ft and 950ft at various locations
while constructing. Before handing over flat, one bore well 750ft dried. subsequently over a period of  one and half years other two bores also dried. In our
area/nearby neighbours & surronding residents drill upto 1250ft for water and bolters beyond 850ft is noticed (this is for information only).

With a help of bore diviner (who uses stick to identify water source), we identified few locations in area of 500SFT (Only these is a empty area availble for
drilling borewell). It may be noted that in this area(500ft) builder, already tried putting borewell while construction. at 800ft, water of 2.5" noticed,
however,boulders had come immeditely. while inserting motor pump, it was understood that borewell is closed inbetween.

With help of Builder, we hired a driller based on convience on one location which was shown by diviner, drilling was done. Driller has not given any report.
Please suggest a solution based on information available:

1) Depth of borewell : 1040 feet
2) Depth of 2.5mmTHK M.S 6.5 ” casing : 175 feet
3) At 820ft some loose sand noticed. driller informed that borewell may close if drill is removed. he suggested to put PVC casing slit pipe.
4) water stuck of about 2.0" at 997ft, afterwards boulders noted. further, with great difficulty drill continued upto 1040ft. time was 10:00PM.

Then drill was removed by 11:00Pm. Since, driller cautioned that borewell may close due to loose sand at 800ft and also there was experience nearby,bore was
closed due to this reason, immediately next day morining by 7:00AM, PVC slit pipe of 5 1/2" was inserted manually. End of each pipe is joined by using glue &
screwed(4nos). At 820ft PVC pipe was stuck (not going further). Total 41 PVC pipes of eack length is 20ft (41 x 20=820ft), then tried to pull the pipe back,
while pulling PVC pipe was cut at one joint, bore person could able to pull around 25 pipes, balance 16 pipes of 320ft length stuck inbetween.

By using camera it was noticed that well closed at around 820ft and  cut balance pipe was inbetween 600ft & 280ft. All these excercise were cariedout
by same borewell driller person only. He suggested that has a last try, once again to push the pipe using bore drill and drill to remove/clear closed portion
of well. Machine was once again brought and cutter used to drill the bore is only used for this also. Cutter starts pushing the pipe downwards and one place
pipe was stuck & not moving furtherand drill was also slipping(because of PVC pipe). He could not able to drill further and stopped. he told there is no
hopes for this bore and better to drill in another location as the machine is available.

Immediately next location was shown and started drilling. at 800ft, loose red soil had come, he could not able to proceed further and borewell was declared
failed.we have spent around 2.5lakhs and no water. and there is no location for putting borewell. only hope what we have is the first bore where PVC pipe was
stuck. Kindly advice on further action required to rehabilitate this well:

1) Pls suggest what can be done to rectify, our first borewell. that is how to remove the PVC pipe and clear the well & use
2) How much is the risk factor.
2) any expert is available in bangalore to rectify the same.pls Provide there contact details.
3) suggest any scientific method available to identify water location which can alert problems like boulders & loose soil. Pls provide their contact details

thanks in advance. expecting some solution for water. monthly we are spending around 90,000/- for water(water tankrs). suggest some solution.
