Query for complete meteorological data of Mirzapur district, Uttar Pradesh, from 1981-2010

Respected Sir,

I, Prashant Kumar Dev, want to request you to please provide me the complete meteorological data of Mirzapur, U.P from 1981 to 2010.

I am a final year B.Tech, water…

Jungle trees of Central India - Where can I buy this book?

Where can I buy the book - Jungle trees of Central India?

Need information about success stories combating desertification in Rajasthan (around Jodhpur or Jaisalmer)

I have delegates visiting from African countries for a programme on combating desertification.

Just curious to know if you have some success story or anything of interest to show in…

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) content is 1700 mg/lit in the site chosen for tree planting in Mansa, Punjab - Is it safe?

We are executing the green belt project in Mansa, Punjab. But in the water analysis report, the TDS was found to be 1700 mg/lit. Is it OK for tree plantation? If yes, is there any method to reduce…

Borewell issue in Bangalore house - Need to replace metal casing pipe which has rusted and black rock powder coming out of it

Dear learned friends,

The borewell in my house is about 10 years old and the metal casing pipe is at about 30 feet deep. The casing pipe is rusting and now I can see the pipe rusted and a…

Water from Reverse Osmosis (RO) filter has a (Total Dissolved Solids) TDS content of 28 - Is it safe for drinking?


I have a Whirlpool RO water purifier for home use. The water has a TDS of 28. Is it safe for drinking?

Need guidance on digging bore well near Hyderabad: Drilling machine cannot enter the compound

We were using water from a bore well which is around 40 feet from the house all these days but that has gone dry. I intend to go for a fresh bore within my compound wall for a depth of 500 to 600…

Want to know the price of water testing kits used for safe drinking

Please send me the price of water testing kits.

Want to know about the possibilities of the revival of project to purify arsenic contaminated water in New Delhi

Few years ago I had supplied water containers to a firm to purify arsenic from drinking water. This project was run with the help of the UNO, WB, ADB AND WHO. Also the chemicals to remove arsenic…

Would like to know details about job opportunities in water and related fields

Dear Sir,

I have completed M.Sc Environmental Science and am interested in water treatment and related work.

Kindly let me know the details.

Thank You

Are Anupam Mishra's books available in English, Spanish, or Portuguese? Would like to contact/ meet him

(Query received over email from Joseli Macedo)


Your site says Anupam Mishra's books have been translated into several languages.  Are his books available in English,…

Looking for rainfall, stream flow and water-use statistic/data-sets in the Brahmaputra river basin

(Query received over email from Vansa Chatikavanij)

To whom it may concern,

I work for a non-profit environmental organization called the 'World Resources Institute' in Washington…

Sand coming into regular submersible pump in borewell - Can I use a dewatering pump?

Can I use a dewatering pump in my borewell as there is sand coming into the regular submersible pump. I need to sink the motor to 50 feet.

Kindly help

Want to know the yield of a newly dug bore well (1094 feet)


Two days back we dug a new bore well for our apartments which has 34 flats (2 & 3 bed room). We touched solid rock and we went on drilling. We struck water at a depth of around 1082…

Need rainfall data of Indian states for the period 1987-2007

(Query received over email from Sofia Amaral)

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am constructing a panel of data for Indian states for the period 1987-2007 and I am looking for rainfall data.…

Pump stuck in borewell at 125ft - Need advice regarding the course of action that needs to be taken for optimum benefit

We dug a new bore well in our apartment complex. We encountered rock at 80 ft and a steel casing pipe of 6 inch dia was inserted upto 85 ft. Further drilling was done upto 410 ft. We touched the…

Water workshop for apartment communities-Can you please publish this event in your site?

Please publish the event "Water Workshop for Apartment Communities" which is to be held on 25-Feb-2012, Bangalore.

The management committees of apartment and villa complexes are invited to…

Is your newsletter available for subscription?


Do you have a newsletter that I could subscribe to?

Best regards,

Ryan Rowe, MBA, MPH (2012) Household Water Network Communications Officer The Water Institute…

Need database or an estimate of the amount of water purifier users in India


I am currently working on a project that deals with water sanitation in metro cities of India. I am in need of a database or an estimate of the amount of water purifier users across…

Need details/ information of EPANET training

When will your training on EPANET start?
