IPCC alarms India of a severe water shortage
News this week: IPCC releases its Fifth Assessment Report on climate change; Hydropower plants in Himachal find it tough to sell power; No toilet facilities in 20% of Goa households.
Himalayan lake in Sikkim (Source: Wikimedia)
Indian Railways gets notice for supplying poor quality water
Policy matters this week: Delhi HC issues notice to Indian Railways for supplying poor quality water; DJB ends the free water policy on April 1; Rajasthan govt plans to set up 1,000 RO plants.
Bottled water at railways (Source:India Rail Info)
Playing with Uttarakhand rainfall data
What can we do with daily rainfall data especially when it is available in usable formats?
Rainfall data from Dehradun
Chennai's water quality mapped
What does the mapping of the water quality data onto the existing water supply map of Chennai tell us?
Chennai city base map
Changing pattern: Rainfall maps
How has the rainfall pattern changed in the last 100 years across India? These rainfall maps provide a visual answer.
Rainfall maps of India (Source: IMD)
Mapping drought for 100 years
Analysing monthly rainfall data from 1901 to 2002 helps understand the incidence of drought across the country.
Drought map of India, 1918
What do the numbers reveal about aquifers in India?
Using a motion chart, the behaviour of aquifers using rainfall and well-level data is explained.
Motion chart outputs
The connection between well-level data and aquifers
The groundwater data collected by the CGWB has been criticized for various reasons. We analyse this data to understand the discrepancies, if any.
Andhra Pradesh groundwater Levels
Water for friends- for free!
At a time when Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES), is much talked about, two villages in Nagaland show that helping one's neighbour doesn't always have to be for a cost.
Water reservoir at Mima village
Citizen-friendly services? Yes please!
Pimpri-Chinchwad Municipal Corporation has used newer technologies and integrated customer feedback into making its data public and its services renowned.
Working to make life better for citizens
Water privatisation, a failed model?
JUSCO, India's largest water supply developer, has failed to provide water connections in many parts of India. Water must be treated as a non-commercial entity if there is to be equity in access.
JUSCO disconnected Nirmal Basti's water connection
Ancient engineering marvels of Tamil Nadu
Eris, a system of cascading tanks, were once completely managed by local communities. With centralisation came disuse and lack of maintenance but an organisation is working to revive them.
Small tank near Thalambedu in Kanchipuram
Alternative farming method in Karnal
No-till agriculture, an alternative farming method, which helps prevent soil depletion as well as uses water efficiently, is being used successfully by farmers in Haryana.
 Seed-fertilizer drill in use at Kalwaheri village
Fishing for shrimp in Haryana’s farmlands
Saline waters left Rohtak's farmlands fallow. After some research by local organisations, the farmers who were into agriculture, could soon move into aquaculture!
Tiger shrimp production at Rohtak; Source: CIFE
South Sikkim adapts to climate change
Climate change is causing heavy, brief rain spells in many parts of the world. Rain-shadowed South Sikkim is bearing the brunt of it in Northeast India. The video shows how the people are adapting.
Climate change affects agriculture
Coexistence possible—farms and forests, man and nature
Khonoma village near Kohima upholds a sustainable form of jhum cultivation, which doesn't fell but only prunes trees. This video narrates how farms and forests can co-exist.
Alder trees are great nitrogen fixators
These bacteria are good!
Bioaugmentaion is a method by which wastewater is cleaned using selected microbes, mainly bacteria. This process is both cost effective and efficient.
Wastewater treatment by bioaugmentation
Water buckets of the Western Ghats
Exploitation of groundwater in Panchgani, Maharashtra, led to acute water shortage but the people of Akhegani decided to do something about it. Watch how they built spring boxes to revive springs.
Basalt rocks characterize the Deccan Plateau
Maharashtra reels under hail storms and unseasonal rainfall
News this month: Maharashtra faces the impact of climate change; Developing El Nino raises fear of a weak Indian monsoon; India's water crisis to worsen in the coming years, says UN.
Unseasonal rainfall in Mumbai (Source: Wikipedia)
Abolish manual scavenging: SC
Policy matters this month: SC directs all states to abolish manual scavenging; MoEF reduces ESA in its new draft notification on Western Ghats; Maharashtra all set to clean its rivers.
A manual scavenger in Chennai (Namathu Blogspot)