Talaparige: The pride of Tumkur, Karnataka
Talaparige' by Mallikarjuna Hosapalya introduces readers to the concept of this source of water, which once was well known for its ability to provide water for irrigation and drinking.
Talaparige - Hosakere
Rainwater and You: 100 ways to use rainwater
Rainwater and You is a compendium of knowledge on rainwater harvesting from Japan and other places in the world.
Rainwater harvesting and utilisation
Mannu Mattu Neeru
A compilation of local practices and farming tips from Karnataka to overcome a drought situation.
Traditional knowledge of farming
Sharanu Banni Jala Kaayakake
A collection of features on soil and water conservation by Shree Padre.
Soil and water conservation
An alternative perspective: Sabarmati Riverfront Development
A critical review of the Sabarmati Riverfront Development project, Ahmedabad, from an environmental perspective.
Sabarmati Riverfront Development
My experience with e-learning courses
Online courses have opened up a world of possibilities for learning while working from virtually anywhere. Explore some of these courses.
Massive Open Online Courses
New law to save the Ganga
Policy matters this week: PMO orders framing of draft legislation to protect the Ganga; Narmada-Kshipra river linking scheme passes the test; World Bank to support low-income states.
Ganga river in Haridwar (Source: Anoop Negi)
Sikkim achieves 100% sanitation under Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan scheme
News this week: Sikkim achieves 100% sanitation; Govt has only 2 months to cover 54.4% of rural India in its drinking water scheme; Maharashtra village gets community rights over dam reservoir.
Sustainable sanitation
The great Indian toilet tracker!
Does rural India have enough toilets? Which state has built the most toilets and which state is still backed up? Our visualisations of the Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan's data demystify it all!
Rural sanitation scheme - Progress & Performance
A new vision for Himalayan streams
Fish found in streams and rivers are a source of food to about 40% of the households in parts of the Himalayas. Including fisheries in local watershed management is crucial.
Fish harvested from a pond in Doon Valley
If you don't clean our shit, then who will?
Manual scavenging continues to exist in India even 67 years after Independence. Is it due to the lack of laws, lack of alternatives or lack of will?
A manual scavenger at work (Source:Flickr Commons)
New crop insurance scheme for Pudukottai, TN
Policy matters this week: Crop scheme for Pudukottai gets govt. approval; Delhi govt. plans to revive defunct RWH system in schools; NGT orders vigil against illegal coastal sand mining.
Villagers planting paddy crops (Source: Wikipedia)
Red Hills reservoir leaks Chennai's water supply!
News this week: Chennai's Red Hills reservoir is leaking water; quantum of uranium in 'Thummalapalle' groundwater poses no threat to people; Kerala has the cleanest Anganwadi toilets.
A reservoir in Tamil Nadu (Source: Wikipedia)
Farm like the rishis!
Raju and Shalini Titus have been engaged in no-till farming for over 23 years. Contrary to pop wisdom, their net income has gone up because of increased yields and a reduction in input costs.
Results of no till farming; Image: Titus
When natural forests prevailed in Himachal
Veteran activist Kulbhushan Upmanyu talks about how the people of Chamba in Himachal Pradesh campaigned to protect the region's natural forests as well as their own rights.
Himachal's forests help conserve springs
The primary caretakers of water?
Women have always had an important role in water management. A study in South Sikkim aims to find out if topography, in addition to gender, influences access to water.
The women of Sikkim manage their water resources
Engineering witchcraft in Bihar
The Bhutahi Balan, a tributary of the Kosi may be a small river but it has caused immense devastation. Dinesh Mishra says that embankments aren't the answer to this problem.
Devastation due to floods
Pooling borewells and opportunities
Groundwater use is synonymous with individual rights. Malkaipeta Thanda, a village in Andhra Pradesh, has shown the opposite-that a community can share and benefit from it too.
Gamalibai on her farm
Do we need so much energy?
"Understanding the legitimate demand for electricity is key in reducing the burden on water resources in India", says Shankar Sharma, a power policy analyst.
Effluents greatly affect marine life
Painting Mumbai blue!
Drop Dead', a foundation started by Aabid Surti that offers free plumbing services to residents of Mumbai, saves water one drop at a time.
Drop Dead Foundation Volunteers