
An insight on legal aspect of groundwater use by industries and water tax/rate/fee by Emami Paper Mills Limited
Groundwater is water that is found underground in the cracks and spaces in soil, sand and rock. Posted on 07 Feb, 2011 06:03 PM
  1. Meaning of Ground Water
  • Water located beneath the ground surface.

 Groundwater is stored in and moves slowly through layers of soil, sand and rocks called aquifers. Aquifers typically consist of gravel, sand, sandstone, or fractured rock, like limestone.

Permaculture Designers Course, 1st - 14th April, 2011, Sambhav, Odisha
Posted on 03 Feb, 2011 11:07 AM

Organizer: Permaculture Association of India

Venue: Sambhav, Rohibanka, Nayagarh district, Odisha, India


  • Introduction-The Permaculture Principles and Ethics
  • Principles of Natural Systems,understanding patterns in nature and design
  • Pattern In Design-Cultivated Systems: zones and sectors, micro-climate, plants and animals
  • Natural Systems: climate, landforms,water, forests and trees
24th National Convention of IPHE (India): "Water & Sanitation Utility Services in India and their Health Implications", February 12th & 13th, Bhubaneswar
Posted on 20 Jan, 2011 04:58 PM

Organiser: Institution of Public Health Engineers, India

Venue: Hotel The New Marrion, Bhubaneswar, Orissa

24th national convention of IPHE (India) on "Water & sanitation utility services in India and their health implications" held in Bhubaneshwar
The 24th National Convention of Institution of Public Health Engineers (India) on the theme “Water & Sanitation Utility Services in India and their health implications” Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 11:49 PM

The 24th National Convention of Institution of Public Health Engineers (India) on the theme “Water & Sanitation Utility Services in India and their health implications” will be organised by IPHE(I), Regional Centre, Bhubaneswar during 12th -13th  February,2011.

Documentary on mining - "Niyamgiri, You are Still Alive"
Mining on Niyamgiri will destroy its rich biodiversity and wildlife. Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 02:31 PM

In 2006 Sterlite, a subsidiary of UK mining company Vedanta built a refinery in Niyamgiri Hills, Orissa, India. The intention was to mine bauxite from the Niyamgiri Hills, which is in reserved forest. It is also home to indigenous communities who are dependent on it for their livelihood.

Screening of Niyamgiri film on January 8, 2011
Posted on 04 Jan, 2011 10:12 AM

Content and Image Courtesy: The Press Club Mumbai

The Press Club Mumbai

Screening of Award winning film ‘Niyamgiri You Are Alive’ by Suma Josson. The film won the Vasudha Award for the best environmental documentary in the International Film Festival Goa, 2010.

Saving rice - Ambitious plans to increase productivity
Rice is at the heart of a fierce strategy debate as the country prepares to launch the second Green Revolution in the eastern states. Policymakers and scientists have drawn up ambitious plans to increase the productivity of this cereal which feeds two-thirds of Indians. Posted on 24 Dec, 2010 10:13 AM
Rice is at the heart of a fierce strategy debate as the country prepares to launch the second Green Revolution in the eastern states. Policymakers and scientists have drawn up ambitious plans to increase the productivity of this cereal which feeds two-thirds of Indians.

Enormous funds are being poured into research aimed at improving seed varieties, with a heavy focus on developing hybrid rice. Is it the right option for millions of small rice farmers who are already battling high input costs and increasingly unpredictable weather? Or does part of the solution lie in efficient methods of cultivation that will cut down water use and improve yield?

Rice intensification for increasing productivity in Koraput, Odisha
System of Rice Intensification is new mantra for reducing water usage and increasing productivity Posted on 24 Dec, 2010 10:12 AM

System of Rice Intensification

Photo: Muralidhar Adhikari

Supreme Court order regarding misuse of NREGA funds in Odisha
The Supreme Court order, dated 16 December 2010, is about the right to livelihood which pertains to issues regarding the misuse of NREGA funds in Odisha. Posted on 20 Dec, 2010 04:29 PM

Forwarded to the portal by: Pramathesh Ambasta

Reference: In the Supreme Court of India, Civil Original Jurisdiction Writ Petition (Civil) No. 645 of 2007, Centre for Environment & Food Security (Petitioner) Versus Union of India & Others (Respondents)

The Supreme Court in this important order dated 16 December 2010, has said that first, the right to livelihood has to be seen as an integral part of the Right to Life as enshrined within Article 21 of the Constitution and second that there is a clear need for an oversight mechanism at the level of the Central government and state governments.

Heavy rainfall, floods and drought affect life, agriculture and economy of the country - News Roundup (8-15 December 2010)
Heavy rainfall and floods disrupt normal life on one end and on the other droughts force massive losses to agricultural produce. Posted on 17 Dec, 2010 12:22 AM

Reports over the last week indicate heavy rains and loss of lives and property in the state of Tamil Nadu, which has faced the maximum brunt of the rains followed by Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and some parts of Sikkim and Himachal Pradesh. Reports also indicate that there have been massive losses to agricultural produce due to heavy rains in parts of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and because of droughts in the state of Orissa. At the same time, reports also indicate good news that there has been a rise in the water levels in the country and of attempts being made in different parts of the country to cope with floods and excessive rains in the future.

Tamil Nadu
