24th national convention of IPHE (India) on "Water & sanitation utility services in India and their health implications" held in Bhubaneshwar

The 24th National Convention of Institution of Public Health Engineers (India) on the theme “Water & Sanitation Utility Services in India and their health implications” will be organised by IPHE(I), Regional Centre, Bhubaneswar during 12th -13th  February,2011.

The convention organizing committee invites papers that reflect the theme or topics of the convention from academicians, practitioners, NGOs and Civil Society Organizations to be submitted through email: ipheodisha@gmail.com before 20th January,2011.

Conference Topics:

  • Emerging  appropriate technologies and new concepts in water & sanitation and related health implications
  • Disease control through Drinking water quality surveillance / monitoring
  • Case studies / success stories on health improvements through sustainable water supply & sanitation
  • Environmental monitoring –health risk assessment
  • Public awareness, community participation and demand-driven approaches for protecting health through Environmental Movements
Post By: Prasanta