
Different designs, same management: A note from Water Initiatives Odisha on Rengali dam and flood management
‘Did we manage the Rengali dam the way we managed Hirakud?’ asks Water Initiatives Odisha Posted on 28 Sep, 2011 09:57 AM

Water Initiatives Odisha, brings out a special note on this issue in response to the latest spell of the flood disaster in northern Odisha Rivers.

Clear the air on Sindhol - WIO urges Government of Odisha
Before asking public on Sindhol project, they do have a right to know the project details, demands Water Initiatives Odisha. Posted on 17 Sep, 2011 01:47 PM
  • Is the government really serious about the Project?  Water Initiatives Odisha(WIO) apprehends this to be a political game rather than a hydro power project, at least for now.
  • We urge upon the government to first clear the air on the project design and other related issues before moving any further.
  • The project is uncalled for without making a comprehensive analysis of water and energy scenario of the state; and if it displaces people and submerges agriculture land and forests

Odisha Groundwater (Regulation, development and management) Bill, 2011
A press release by Odisha Water Forum expressing concerns on the draft Bill. Posted on 09 Sep, 2011 06:44 PM

Content courtesy: Odisha Water Forum 

The Odisha Groundwater (Regulation, Development and Management) Bill, 2011 has been placed before the Odisha Legislative Assembly in this session. Odisha Water Forum has gone through the contents of this bill. While Odisha Water Forum appreciates the initiative of the Government of Odisha to regulate development and management of groundwater, it is concerned about the fact that this bill does not address the fundamental concerns regarding groundwater management.

Orissa Community Tank Management Project – A paper by World Bank on proposed project restructuring
The document confirms that there is significant room for increase in crop and livestock productivity and can be addressed with the activities to be undertaken by the project. Posted on 03 Sep, 2011 07:39 PM

This document provides an appraisal of the World Bank financed Orissa Community Tank Management Project. The project on tank rehabilitation in the state was focused on institutional strengthening, agricultural livelihood services and some irrigation improvements in the project area.

Tribal movements and livelihoods – Recent developments in Orissa – A working paper by CPRC-IIPA
This working paper by Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA) and Chronic Poverty Research Centre (CPRC) deals with recent developments in tribal movements and livelihoods in Orissa. Posted on 31 Aug, 2011 08:48 PM

For the last few decades and more particularly since 1990’s the issue of human rights-violation of rights to life and livelihood of tribal peoples’ is a central concern. Therefore, the discourse on tribal movements and issues of tribal livelihood revolved around securing their well-defined rights on land and forest resources.

Role of cyclones and other factors in the decline of the ports of northern Orissa - Current Science
Cyclones and storm surges are the main factors responsible for the decline of ports, particularly along the northern Orissa coast, the article says. Posted on 30 Jul, 2011 01:23 AM

CyclonesThis article published in Current Scienc

Mangrove wetlands of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa - Atlas by MSSRF
These state-wise atlases on mangrove wetlands were prepared by the M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) under the India-Canada Environment Facility supported project entitled “Coastal Wetlands: Mangrove Conservation and Management”. Posted on 16 Jul, 2011 04:00 PM


Central Institute of Fresh Aquaculture is looking for research associate at Bhubaneswar
Posted on 12 Jul, 2011 01:02 PM

Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureThe Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (CIFA) is a premier research institute on freshwater aquaculture in the country under the aegis of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi.

Under the ICAR national fellow project on ‘Development of novel immunopotentiator molecules from fish host and pathogens for broad spectrum disease control in freshwater aquaculture’, at CIFA, Bhubaneswar, the following temporary position is available for five years, i.e. up to April 7, 2016. The appointment is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project. The appointment will be initially be made for one year and will be renewed on satisfactory performance till the end of the project.

Development flows from the barrel of a gun – A documentary by AKHRA
This award winning documentary film directed and produced by Biju Toppo and Meghnath for AKHRA, a Ranchi based activist group documents the illegal displacement of entire villages by the state and highlights the miscarriages of justice brought about by the skewed development policies in India. Posted on 08 Jul, 2011 10:37 AM


Directed by Biju Toppo and Meghnath, Hindi with English subtitles, 58 mins

Reports of environmental clearance being given to Vedanta at Niyamagiri incorrect - A press note by MoEF
There have been reports in particular English daily on the subject of environmental clearance being granted to M/s Vedanta Aluminium Limited. The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) wishes to state that the reports do not paint a true and accurate portrayal of events. Posted on 05 Jul, 2011 12:21 PM

The Environmental Clearance in that area which was considered in the Ministry of Environment and Forests in fact pertains to the Lanjigarh Bauxite Mining Project, located inter alia in Niyamgiri Reserve Forest covering two districts Raigarha and Kalahandi of Odisha, belonging to M/s Orissa Mining Corporation Ltd.
