
Updates from GOONJ on the Bihar flood situation
The following article is forwarded to the portal by Anshu Gupta from Goonj after he visited the flood - hit regions in Bihar Posted on 06 Feb, 2009 10:09 AM


Orissa: SRI learning alliance workshop - Lessons learned
Orissa: SRI learning alliance workshop - Lessons learned Posted on 12 Dec, 2008 11:01 AM

New initiative: "Odisha Mangrove Action Network"
New initiative: "Odisha Mangrove Action Network" Posted on 08 Dec, 2008 01:18 PM

This post deals with the recommendations and outcomes of the recent workshop on "Mangrove Forest Ecology, Management and Restoration" held at Rajanagar (boundary of Bhitrakanika National park) on 26th-27th November 2008, organized by Action for Protection of Wild Animals (APOWA) and sponsored by Ministry of Environment and Forets, Govt of India. The workshop was attended by 101 participants from the community representatives, teachers and lecturers of coastal schools and colleges, NGOs, CBOs, PRIs, Govt authority, Scientists, researchers, media etc. dsc00308.JPG Witnessing firsthand the rapid devastation of the Orissa's mangrove forest wetlands and their associated coastal ecosystems, the participants, resource persons were recommended to form a network to save the mangroves.

Old wells at the Konark Sun Temple, Orissa
Old wells at the Konark Sun Temple, Orissa Posted on 08 Dec, 2008 09:21 AM

Both Mohenjo daro and Harappa reported wells in every household and also community wells. They are perhaps the oldest in the subcontinent. Here is one open well from the Konark temple in Orissa. These must have been the sole providers of good clean water during that time and one of them continues to provide water for the repair work underway.

Guava leaves, open wells, appropriate technology and all that
Guava leaves, open wells, appropriate technology and all that Posted on 04 Dec, 2008 12:50 PM


Orissa Floods: Appeal from APOWA
An urgent appeal to support Orissa flood relief & to provide support to the victims of this unprecedented disaster by APOWA team. Posted on 02 Oct, 2008 12:25 PM

APOWA teams are at work providing relief and rescue to flood victims but resources are already running out . An urgent appeal to support Orissa flood relief & to provide support to the victims of this unprecedented disaster has been posted on the India Water Portal Blog.

Critiquing the floods: Analysis from the Water Initiatives Orissa and SANDRP
A detailed analysis by Water Initiatives Orissa and SANDRP on the floods that have devasted the state of Odisha Posted on 26 Sep, 2008 04:46 PM

Water Initiatives Orissa's analysis

Water Initiatives Orissa has a detailed analysis of the current situation in Orisssa. The analysis while staying away from allocating blame goes into detail to find out the real reasons for the flood situation.

Offer of water filters by Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar
Distribution of TERAFIL water filters among the victims of Bihar flood affected areas for supply of drinking water. Posted on 11 Sep, 2008 03:06 AM

Please see message below: ======= We are in process of distributing 1,000 sets of TERAFIL water filters among the victims of Bihar flood affected areas for supply of drinking water. These filters can provide at least 50,000 litres of clean drinking water every day, which can be operated without electricity by the victims easily, like any other candle filters.

"Water Initiatives Orissa", a five-year old campaign to work on water issues in Orissa
Orissa may suffer from severe food insecurity, if desertification is not reversed. Its time to wake up from the deep slumber and to face and mitigate the challenges with firm and committed actions Posted on 28 Jul, 2007 02:38 AM

"Water Initiatives Orissa is a five-year-old campaign which draws strength from civil society organsations, grassroots communities, academicians and others who are determined to work on water, disasters and climate change issues". Email: waterinitiativesorissa@gmail.com

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