
A community comes together to revive lakes and ponds in Valni village, Nagpur, Maharashtra
This story demonstrates how one person through his persistence and dedication can make a huge difference in solving water issues at a village level. A visit to Valni village with Yogesh Aneja ji shows us how local villagers have revived a lake that has transformed the village and helped in solving the long term water scarcity problems of the village, and improved the situation of farmers through increase in production. Posted on 02 Jan, 2013 06:58 PM

Revived lake in Valni

The 200 old revived lake in Valni village, Nagpur

What we must do to save the rivers of Maharashtra - A seminar cum panel discussion, National Womens Organization, Pune, January 30, 2013
Posted on 28 Dec, 2012 10:43 AM


National Womens Organization and Gandhi National Memorial Society


Gandhi National Memorial,
Agakhan Palace, Nagar Road, Pune -  411006


Hackers stay up day and night at the Pune Sanitation Hackathon in December 2012, to develop innovative software solutions that address challenges facing the sanitation sector in India
More than 100 participants hacked on for over 2 days in Pune to develop projects to address challenges facing the sanitation sector as part of the 'Sanitation Hackathon' that was held simultaneously in 13 cities across the world. The hackathon was hosted by Infosys between the 30th of November and the 2nd of December Posted on 20 Dec, 2012 09:35 PM

A big hello to all from Sanitation Hackathon Pune

Ajit Pawar reinstated as Maharashtra deputy CM, despite being involved in a multi-crore irrigation scam - Roundup of the week's news (December 10 – 16, 2012)
The newsroundup this week informs of reducing water level in the Cauvery basin, pollution of rivers in Odisha, Punjab and Kerala, green signal given by the cabinet to the land aquisition bill and the decision made by the Karnataka government for the need to seek permission from the water board for drilling borewells or dugwells in Bangalore city Posted on 17 Dec, 2012 09:42 PM

Ajit Pawar reinstated as deputy CM of Maharashtra  

Lessons learnt while addressing the water-energy nexus: Evaluation of USAID/India's DRUM(Distribution Reform, Upgrades, and Management) and WENEXA (Water and Energy Nexus) programs
This report is an evaluation of two programs undertaken jointly by USAID and India to reform its energy situation, especially in terms of distribution. The report evaluates the relevance, effectiveness, impacts and lessons learnt from the experience. Posted on 16 Dec, 2012 02:50 PM

1. Background
In 2004, DRUM was initiated with the following goals:

Training programme on water footprint assessment & water management, Bureau Veritas, Mumbai, December 19-21, 2012
Posted on 05 Dec, 2012 01:11 AM

Training programme on water footprint assessment & water management
