Hackers stay up day and night at the Pune Sanitation Hackathon in December 2012, to develop innovative software solutions that address challenges facing the sanitation sector in India

A big hello to all from Sanitation Hackathon Pune

The  Sanitation Hacakathon challenged programmers to develop innovative software solutions that address real-world problems in sanitation. Technologists teamed up with sanitation subject experts in an intensive marathon to find innovative solutions to challenges facing the sanitation sector.

Problem definitions

Sanitation Hackathon - Banner

During the months leading up to the event, experts on sanitation and members of the public created, submitted and voted on "problem definitions” that highlight specific sanitation challenges that could be mitigated by innovative ICTs.

For more information on the problem statements, go through the attachments in the following link - Sanitation Hackathon, Pune

Quick statistics

  • More than 100 participants over 2 days
  • 23 teams formed by hackers - 18 teams presented
  • Almost every coder present is a working professional here at the Pune IT Hub.
  • Teams formed comprise software professionals working with leading IT companies such as IBM, Wipro, Tata Consultancy, Symantec, Gensler, Infosys, KPIT Cummins etc
  • Participants arrived from Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai etc.
  • The average age of the hackers is between 24- 30 years .
  • More than 13 women hackers (6 times more than our Bangalore event).
  • We had more than 30 volunteers working round the clock to ensure that our hackers were well taken care of.
  • With more than 18 partners (4 more than Bangalore waterhackathon), the event has attracted  high profile partners such as Infosys, NASSCOM, Microsoft.
  • Most notably,  we are supported by 4 incubators (who have guaranteed deployment support to the top 2 winning teams) and two CSOs to develop the prototypes.

Prize distribution & felicitation

8 (out of 18) shortlisted teams presented to a jury in the final round from which 6 top teams and 2 winning teams were announced and felicitated ! All teams got SanHack Trophy, top 6 teams won amazing gadgets and top 2 teams got entry into 8 (out of 18) shortlisted teams presented to a Jury in the final round from which 6 top teams and 2 winning teams were announced and felicitated !

All teams got SanHack Trophy, top 6 teams won amazing gadgets and top 2 teams got entry into Hatch's Accelerator program.

The finalists at Pune on the evening of 2nd Dec 2012

The finalists at Pune on the evening of 2nd Dec 2012

Photo gallery

Sanitation Hackathon Venue - Infosys, Hinjewadi Phase 2 Pune
SanHack India celebrates its 1st Birthday at Infosys,Pune
Glimpses of Sanitation Hackaton Pune : Day -and Night - Life!
Prize Distribution & Felicitation

Videos from the hackathon

World Bank President Jim Yong Kim kicks off the sanitation Hackathon

Sanitation Hackathon, Pune

Hacking highlights from Pune

Related links

Pune 'San-Hack' live blog - Hack on, Pune!
Connect via Facebook - Sanitation Hackathon India

Post By: Seetha