
India Water Portal invites applications for Fellows for The Great WASH Yatra
Posted on 22 Aug, 2012 03:38 PM

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India Water Portal is an open, inclusive website that shares knowledge and resources on water, sanitation, agriculture, the environment, climate change, ecology and related themes and issues in India. The Portal is managed and coordinated by Arghyam, a non profit organisation that works in water and sanitation in India.

India Water Portal is partnering with a host of other NGOs for The Great WASH Yatra, a traveling carnival with WASH (WAter, Sanitation & Hygiene) themed rides, games and performances that will travel from Bihar to Gujarat from October 2nd to November 19th 2012. Along the way the Yatra will journey to 8 locations in 5 states, culminating in a closing event in on World Toilet Day on November 19th 2012.

In pursuit of energy efficiency in India’s agriculture - A working paper on fighting free power in India
While about 70% of Indian electricity is carbon-based, a quarter of the nation’s consumption goes into extraction of groundwater for irrigation Posted on 20 Aug, 2012 11:17 AM

This working paper published in Agence Française de Développement (AFD) informs that while about 70% of Indian electricity is carbon-based, a quarter of the nation’s consumption goes into agriculture, to extract groundwater

India: Improving urban water supply and sanitation service provision- Lessons from business plans for Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Haryana and international good practices- Report by the World Bank
This report identifies the key elements of a State-wide program for improving water supply and sanitation services and accountability Posted on 19 Aug, 2012 04:50 PM

This report by the World Bank identifies the key elements of a State-wide program for improving water supply and sanitation services and accountability on the basis of

Beating a rope thinking that it is a snake, is futile - Why evict people from their habitat, their own ecosystems
This documentary and article highlights the issue of displacement among the tribal communities in Maharashtra and questions the rationale for eviction of forest dwellers from their own ecosystems Posted on 17 Aug, 2012 04:39 PM

This article questions the rationale for eviction of forest dwellers from National Parks. This is against the Law. The Wild Life Act was passed when there was no problem regarding poaching. At that time the objective was to create inviolate wilderness areas, a concept that is typically American.

Advanced Center for Water Resources Management (ACWADAM) invites applications for a scientist and researcher, Pune
Posted on 16 Aug, 2012 01:35 PM


Advanced Center for Water Resources Management (ACWADAM) works on the science of groundwater management in different regions of India and the forward and backward linkages to groundwater resources, whether in drinking water, sanitation, agriculture, watershed management and Natural Resource Management, in general.

"Outbreak of dengue, malaria in eastern India" - Roundup of the week's news (6 - 12 August 2012)
The news this week informs of epidemic outbreaks in Eastern India, end to field trials of GM crops, the revised land acquisition bill, unused funds for disaster relief, fall in fish breeding in rivers Posted on 14 Aug, 2012 01:32 PM

Indifferent rain causes outbreak of dengue, malaria and other vector-borne diseases in eastern India, and particularly Kolkata.

Maharashtra suspends Mahyco’s licence for Bt cotton seeds, on grounds of market malpractice in fraudulently hiking seed prices.

Floods in Orissa, Himachal and Jammu - Roundup of the week's news (30 July - 5 August 2012)
The news this week is dominated by reports of failed monsoon leading to droughts, failed power situation in the country and floods in Orissa, Himachal and Jammu Posted on 13 Aug, 2012 12:17 PM

Floods in Orissa, Jammu and Himachal

Heavy rainfall for 3 days in a row caused the Hati river in Kalahandi, Odisha to overflow on Sunday, necessitating the evacuation of at least 2,000 people.  A day earlier, torrential rains caused flash floods in Jammu and Himachal Pradesh causing 200 villages to be washed off.

Worst-ever deficit monsoon

Role of thermal power plants and coal mining in local area development and addressing regional imbalance - Note by Prayas to Government of Maharashtra
This report highlights the large number of clearances accorded to thermal power plants in the country and their implications for the environment Posted on 02 Aug, 2012 05:18 PM

The Prayas Energy Group, Pune had in August 2011, released a report titled “Thermal power plants on the anvil: Implications and need for rationalisation” on the large number of thermal power plants (TPPs) being pro

Save Western Ghats meet, Applied Environmental Research Foundation and Save the Western Ghats Group, November 30-December 2, 2012, Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra
Posted on 01 Aug, 2012 11:16 AM

Organisers: Applied Environmental Research Foundation (AERF) and Save the Western Ghats Group

Venue: Mahabaleshwar,
                  Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation Complex


Save the Western GhatsAERF

Applied Environmental Research Foundation with the support of Save the Western Ghats group is proud to announce the celebrations of 25 years of Save the Western Ghats march. A meeting of some civil society organizations and other stakeholder from various walks of life will be organised.

Watershed Organisation Trust invites applications for its Technical Training in Watershed Management, August 7-10, 2012, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra
Posted on 23 Jul, 2012 05:11 PM

Organiser: Watershed Organisation Trust (WOTR)

Venue:   Watershed Training Centre
                    Village Darewadi,
                    Taluka Sangamner,
                    Ahmednagar, Maharashtra


WOTR is a not-for-profit NGO founded in 1993 operating currently in five 5 Indian states – Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Jharkhand. WOTR provides capacity building and advisory services to developmental practitioners from 23 other Indian states as well as, occasionally, from 27 countries.
