What we must do to save the rivers of Maharashtra - A seminar cum panel discussion, National Womens Organization, Pune, January 30, 2013


National Womens Organization and Gandhi National Memorial Society


Gandhi National Memorial,
Agakhan Palace, Nagar Road, Pune -  411006


The event provides a platform for a free, frank and open critical discussions on various aspects of the issue of  in river-conservation / river-pollution prevention works.

Recently the consortium of IITs which is preparing the Ganga River Basin management Plan (GRBMP) has strongly recommended the following:

(1) We must adopt the policy of zero discharge into the river, (i.e. discharge of any wastewater or industrial effluents to the river whether treated or untreated must be completely prohibited), and promote reuse and recycle of wastewater after proper treatment (tertiary level treatment),

(2) We should promote organic farming for decreasing the non-point sources of pollution of rivers such as hazardous chemicals from agricultural run-off into the rivers, maintaining soil fertility, checking the groundwater degradation, reducing water requirement of crops, protecting human health, etc. and

(3) Industries must treat their effluents and use only the recycled water.

Unfortunately in Maharashtra the government agencies are continuing to commit the same kind of mistakes which are responsible for the failure of our Ganga Action Plans (Phase-1 and Phase -2), which poses serious threat of wastage and misuse of funds. We must take necessary steps as soon as possible to correct the mistakes.

We firmly believe that the course of actions which were unanimously accepted here in the seminar-cum-panel discussion held on the occasion of Punyatithi of Bapuji on 30th January 2011 and 2012 and submitted to the Chief Minister of Maharashtra as an appeal to save the rivers of Maharashtra, to be necessary to save the rives of Maharashtra.

Contact details

Mrs Rama Rauta
President, National Womens Organization, Pune
Email: ramarauta@rediffmail.com

Event Date
Post By: Seetha