Water networks modelling - Training in EPAnet for water networks design and analysis, The Community Engineer, Pune, December 8-9, 2012


The Community Engineer



Who should attend: Municipal engineers, developers and planners, engineering consultants, hydraulic engineers, technicians, technologists, designers and other technical personnel who are responsible for or oversee water distribution facilities.

For this course all attendees will receive:

  • Manual and software (soft copy)
  • Tutorials with step by step instructions to guide participants through the use of EPANET

Bring with you: Participants will need to bring their own laptop to this course.

Daily schedule

10:00   Registration and Coffee (1st Day only)
10:30   Session begins
1:00     Lunch
6:00    Adjournment

Program outline

Day I

Registration and Coffee - Welcome, Introduction, Course Preview, Learning Outcomes and Assessment Method
1. Introduction to Hydraulic Network Modeling of Water Distribution Systems
2. Workshop 1 - Setup a Project - Learn How to setup a Project in EPANET.
3. Workshop 2 - This workshop will introduce to demand application and extended period analysis.

Day II

4. Workshop 3 - Workshop 3  will focus on adding additional components like a reservoir and pump in to the model, generating graphs and export/import of networks.
5. Workshop 4 - In this workshop, learn how to add valves and apply simple controls to optimise various component operations.
Questions and Answers - Feedback

  • The training will not include water quality modelling or model calibration.
  • There will be a one-hour break each day in addition to a refreshment and networking break during each morning and afternoon session.

Training fee

The training costs Rs. 10,000/- per head. The cost do not include accommodation or travel, however will include lunch and tea.

Rs. 5000/- to be paid in advance along with confirming the attendance. Balance is required to be paid at the time of registration.

Contact details

Website: www.thecommunityengineer.weebly.com

Event Date